Whale Wars? Piracy or not?

by Brocephus 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brocephus

    OK, I am hooked and the new season starts tonight. Plus the show looks great on my new HDTV. Here is my question:

    Why is this not piracy? It is clear the Japanese have the right to kill these whales legally, even thought I find it disgusting.

    Here is the synopsis of the show for those who don't know:

    The Facts:

    Commercial Whaling was banned by an international agreement.

    Part of that agreement gave the Japanese the right to take 500 Meinke whales and 50 fin whales per year for "reasearch" purposes.

    The Sea Sheperds are a group of Whale lovers that attack and disable the Japanes ships when they go to Anartic area to harvest these whales.

    Bonus Question: There has been passionate discussion about the man that killed the Abortion doctor. How do you think the two situations compare?

    For more background on the show: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-spilman/whale-wars---eco-terroris_b_211993.html

  • mindmelda

    It's not piracy according to their laws, but there has to be an easier and more ecologically sound way to get some of these products they're after.

    I don't think you can make people quit performing abortions by killing one guy who did them. You can't make anyone quit doing it, even when there were laws against it. Just like you can't make people stop hunting whales when it's legal for them to do so, even though it horrifies and offends you.

    I'm not for abortion,but I fail to see how making it illegal stopped it entirely, either. Rich women had abortions where it was legal and poor ones went to doctors who did it illegally and often, unsafely.

  • Brocephus

    Good points Mindmelda but we have plenty of threads about Abortion. Sorry if I got the thread going there. This is about Whale Wars this show is crazy. Right or Wrong these people make some good TV!

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    Absolutely it's piracy. They're attacking and damaging ships that do not belong to them. How can it be called anything but piracy? The pirates should be hanged.

  • fern

    I was hooked on the show last season but was not happy about how the ships captain faked being shot by the Japanese whaling ship. I don't know wether it's piracy or not but my opinion of these people is now the same one I have for members of PETA. They have good intentions but the way they go about things makes their cause more of a joke than anything else. They are just a little bit too crazy for my tastes.

  • BurnTheShips

    This sort of activism does not seem very different than the activism of those that go out and harm abortionists, granted, they aren't killing anyone, but this sort of thing starts to approach that line.

    Absolutely it's piracy. They're attacking and damaging ships that do not belong to them. How can it be called anything but piracy? The pirates should be hanged.

    JD, are you mentally capable of having a discussion without trying to push other peoples buttons and provoke a heated response? Your baiting gets old, brah.

    That, said. If you bring the rope........


  • Leolaia

    For personal reasons, I really really wish this wasn't on the air.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    I would donate money to any Org. that rams "scientific" whaling ships...it's a good cause....stopping the extiction of a helpless species! Why cant we harpoon Japanese whalers?

  • Satanus

    When the law is an ass....


  • Satanus

    When the law is an ass....


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