OK, I am hooked and the new season starts tonight. Plus the show looks great on my new HDTV. Here is my question:
Why is this not piracy? It is clear the Japanese have the right to kill these whales legally, even thought I find it disgusting.
Here is the synopsis of the show for those who don't know:
The Facts:
Commercial Whaling was banned by an international agreement.
Part of that agreement gave the Japanese the right to take 500 Meinke whales and 50 fin whales per year for "reasearch" purposes.
The Sea Sheperds are a group of Whale lovers that attack and disable the Japanes ships when they go to Anartic area to harvest these whales.
Bonus Question: There has been passionate discussion about the man that killed the Abortion doctor. How do you think the two situations compare?
For more background on the show: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-spilman/whale-wars---eco-terroris_b_211993.html