It's such a tough call.
I knew it was time for Sylvester when he stopped purring. He was the greatest purr-er that ever was.
(He was having seizures, too and was getting disoriented. But without his purr, just not the same.)
by PEC 45 Replies latest jw friends
It's such a tough call.
I knew it was time for Sylvester when he stopped purring. He was the greatest purr-er that ever was.
(He was having seizures, too and was getting disoriented. But without his purr, just not the same.)
Its cost us $500.00 for test, and they want to do more Just to tell us she is not going to get better.
They want to put IV fluids in her, we can't get her to Drink. She eats and she puke.
We give her hairball medicine.
PEC, our dog had something similar about 3 weeks ago.
We took her to the vet and she had pancreatitis and diabetes,the vet didn't know which was causing the other.
Sold us food cans and put her on insulin.
She's doing better,the pancreas at least,but she'll be on insulin for life now.
Did your vet mentioned anything about diabetes?
They think she has cancer, they said they have medicine for cancer.
Please research the following site and try to get the proprieter on the phone. He's a retired vet. I spoke to him once on a Saturday afternoon. The supplements worked miracles for my then 18-year old cat
There's also a page about cancer.
I'm so sorry to hear that your beloved Carmel is suffering and that is clealy heartbreaking for you.
Thinking of you guys. ((((Barbie & PEC))))
Aw, Barbie and PEC! I am so very sorry Carmel is having a hard time... she is absolutely gorgeous.
It is my belief that they let us know when they no longer want to be here. I have had some wonderful things happen when I just relied upon THEM to let ME know. Please... wait unti you KNOW it is time. When they let us know that they aren't having fun anymore and there is just no hope.
She may very well have some time left with you... and all of my best wishes are with you all.
I will send you a PM with some other suggestions...
Love to all,
edited to say... Jamie I read your link on pancreatitus and it gives great info... we might be thinking along the same lines with supplements and enzymes... PEC check your messages!
Sorry to hear about your cat. If there is no chance of a pet getting better and it is suffering I can't see prolonging its life. If it expensive for you and painful for the animal I don't much good trying to keep it going. For the last two years one of my cats has got bit on the neck. Each time it got infected to the point where he had to spend almost a week at the vets and it cost me $500 each time. We only put him through it because we knew he would get better. If had been something terminal I would have had them put him down for all are sakes. But that is me. I don't think there is an easy way to handling situations like this. I wish you guys the best.
I am sorry about your beautiful cat that you love. It's hard to watch anyone that you love suffer. My heart goes out to you.