Did Jesus really have the intention to start a new religion?
Did he really plan his own execution in order to save mankind from eternal damnation?
Did Jesus actually regard himself as a divine being, knowing it would be an infringement of the first of the Ten Commandments?
Was it not Paul who promoted belief in sacrifice and that mystical sharing of the death of the deity was the only path to salvation?
Wasn't this sort of belief system originated from Hellenistic sources?
(And as for 'salvation'....saved from what? Eternal hellfire? Judgement of your actions?)
Is it enough to follow the rules and regulations of Paul per the new testament, knowing that he never even met Jesus ?
Is it enough to accept Paul's tyrannical and misogynistic documents based on the fact that he claimed to have a vision of Jesus?
Did Paul attempt to study and learn from those who knew Jesus? Did he pay his respects to Mary, the mother of Jesus? Was he really interested in those who had spent time with Jesus?
...or did Paul have his own agenda to bridge the gap between Judiasm and christianity, smoothing over the murder of Jesus, and having the backing of an evil consortium of an "inner circle"?