I commented on this in my last Bible Highlights.
I pointed out the fact that Canaan went to tell his brothers was indicative of either the lack of spiritual training received in internalizing moral matters at home or else he was a pervert and an idiot.
This, I said is suggested by the fact that Canaan imagined his brothers would think it pretty funny what he'd done tho their father.
How else would Canaan have thought that they might have thought it funny if his brothers hadn't indicated their level of morality around him while they were living and working together?
I said, could it be possible that when the Bible says Noah did 'Just so', that he did the minimum?
Could it be possible that when the Bible spoke of Noah as being "faultless among his contemporaries" that Noah was merely "faultless COMPARED to" the people in general living at that time?
We never read of Noah trying to help his relatives, we never read of Noah as trying to instruct his family in moral matters, we never read of Noah pleading for the lives of the people who are going to be destroyed....
We DO read of Abraham instructing his family, we DO read of his concern for those in Sodom and Gomorrah. The same could be said of Moses....
NOT so of the man who did "just so".
So perhaps this might seem a bit speculative to those of you here today, and perhaps it seems a bit critical of Noah - it's not intended to be or do that, but it IS intended to get your attention so that we understand that we CAN become so busy with "ark building" - in the preaching work, building kingdom halls, going to meetings and attending to congregational concerns that we can without even being aware of it, neglect teaching ourselves, teaching our family to really KNOW JEHOVAH on the INSIDE so serving him becomes merely a perfunctory business of "doing just so". If we understand and act on that, then though we may not be perfect, and surely we won't be, we will at least have been working on the REAL ark - the one we build w/our relationship w/Jehovah on the inside and as the inside gets built up, the outside will get constructed in natural fashion.
Or words to that effect...
I got a few squeemish looks from the other elders, but the KH sure was paying attention.