Being "made to do" something at 16 , is a sure turn off - but I would ask for a copy of the book too, out of interest, and then tell the lad that you could help him give some counter argument...
Come Be My Follower - my wife is making the son read this with her
by insearchoftruth 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
If this is the latest manifestation of your wife's many attempts of being zealous be assured that it won't last long, but I'm sure you know that already.
If this is the latest manifestation of your wife's many attempts of being zealous be assured that it won't last long, but I'm sure you know that already.
That is what I am hoping for, thanks Josie.
This zealous boost entails her having all the books she can spread all over the place, magazines, bible teach, you name it....including the wonderful highlighter......gag.