Actually Yo-Yo Mama, the Bozo Brigade are right on this one. I didn't predict Argentina's problems, or anything else of the sort. All I have done is point to the evidence that the system is terminally bankrupt and the situation in Argentina is only symptomatic of that fact. Actually there are numerous "Argentinas" out there waiting to explode. Brazil, Poland, Turkey, Indonesia, and the Godzilla of all bankrupt nations---Japan. But, the reality is, that since the dollar is the defacto world's currency, and numerous U.S. institutions sell financial insurance in the form of trillions of dollars worth of so-called derivatives, the U.S. is ultimately ground zero for the looming catastrophe. / You Know
Some of You Know's words are coming true
by YoYoMama 37 Replies latest jw friends
Jan, even if the world population growth does level out which I know to be the predictions of many experts, it won't replace the overfished seas, the over harvested forrests, etc.
I am not a doomsayer, but I do believe that we need to immediately begin a more prudent use of resources earthwide.
Joelbear wrote:
..The manmade economy is natural resources + manufactured goods (included agriculturally grown food) + services. This economy has room to grow a lot more. I think we will run out of natural resources before the manmade economy runs out of room to grow...
You forgot to mention one of the most important points: Intellectual resources (inventions, patents, arts etc.)
They are going to run out recently, but very few folks take notice of. The NewEconomy-crash since May 2001 is a result of that facts.
International patenting- and licensing system is disastrous. They would have the need to adapt it to the current requirements of 2001, but they cannot come to an agreement. See software-patents, see patents on business-methods, see patents on life-forms, DNA, etc. which are no "inventions" at all, but deals of despair...When experts and international patent offices will be ready to agree and come to new laws, its maybe too late, and the big financial crash is marching on..
I see intellectual resources (scientific discovery, inventions, art, ideas) as being infinite or at least so nearly infinite that they may as well be called infinite.
That is why it is so important for us to rein in our use of natural resources, so that human imagination and creativity can go on and on.
While i would never disagree and say that many of these countries could literally fall due to the money issues
the question that must be raised in ref to jw/wt/boys in writing
does this have anything to do with the bible?each time some event takes place the wt boys start up the old "It's a Sign" routine" and loyal jw wait with baited breath for the next event
the jw have a long history of waiting with baited breath for the next shoe to drop
case in point - the king of the north/south
1986 International year of peace- you know that "cry for true peace thang" that is suppose to cause the world to fall to it's knees
the great Elastic 1914 generation-
and on and on the list goes of events that persons like YK< YO YO Mama and the boys in writing have tried to CONNECT TO SOME BIBLE PROHECY
only to be proven over and over wrong
and it is due to the fact that so many jw are realizing that the boys are not really Spirit directed as much as merely guessing and requiring all jw to act like they are spirit directed.
i have found that most jw who may never leave wt are simply getting TIRED OF THE HO HUM and it shows
The dubs have been predicting world events for 122yrs and they haven`t been right yet.You can`t beat a track record like that!LOL.What a joke!...OUTLAW
Joelbear wrote:
I see intellectual resources (scientific discovery, inventions, art, ideas) as being infinite or at least so nearly infinite that they may as well be called infinite...
That is an error, which ---- even the WTS thinks..(!) Really peculiar!
Oh man, they will grow surprised what will happen. They - all together - the whole world INCLUDING the WTS(!) have got NO IDEA at all what really happens in this damned world...
Please go to a patent agent who is expert in electronic/informatic - matters and ask him about what I allege. Be sure he will proof what I state.. It's so easy: What cannot be patented in a manner the patentee get sufficient protection and security in patent infringing matters, is not "patentable" because, simply said: IT IS NOT NEW (or much more simply: It is a copy, and no invention...)
I already told the folks here in this forum:
They had to change the patent and license-policy world-wide, and adapt it to the real requirements.
If really done so, the world will change its face totally, in positive respects. Global co-operation must take place the in many scientific and technological branches.
But otherwise, if not done so: then the world will change it's face
in an other way. There will be a financial and economic collapse. -
Did you read my thread on wind turbines. If not, you should take a look at it. In just 20 short years the cost of wind generated energy costs has gone from 10 times that of energy generated from fossil fuels to about 50% more expensive, that is a dramatic improvement in efficiency. It won't be many years until the costs will be equal. In the last two years, the use of wind generated energy has increased by about 30% world wide. When fully developed, the wind in just three states could supply all of the electrical energy for the U.S.
No, I didn't see that particular post. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Good news like that is welcome.
YoYo Mama,
I say it again. 6 cents invested at the time of Christ compounded. Why does no one have anywhere near that amount of money? Inflation? No, debt. Credit eventually kills all great societies as world powers. Greece, Rome, Spain, U.K. The U.S.A is next.
Who knows?
The problem is that the U.S dollar has become the world's currency. But fear not, if, that financial meltdown ever occurs, and your $ is worth a peso, rest assured two things will happen:
1)A new world power will emerge.
2)Their currency will be King.
In the interim, if you're nervous buy swiss francs. And gold.