Its getting close to assembly time and my wife will be heading up to Salt Lake to attend the assembly there with her relatives so I will be on my own for a week. I'm lining up my favorite cult movies to watch while she is away. Here are some of my favorites: The Meaning of Life, Idiocracy, Swingers, Ghost World. What are your favorites? I could use some suggestions.
Favorite Cult Movies
by I quit! 55 Replies latest jw friends
keyser soze
Office Space, A Clockwork Orange, Donnie Darko, Dark City
C. T. Russell
"Wonders of Creation" by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
What... what do you mean by Cult Movie?
Dark Star, The Big Lebowski
I think you would enjoy Drop Dead Gorgeous. It's an early Denise Rcihards flick, that takes some good pot shots at religion. There's one scene where she dances with Jesus on the cross. It has a wheel on the bottom for mobility. Very funny.
keyser soze
Reservoir Dogs, 12 Monkeys, The Last Supper, True Romance
Clerks, Dirty Work, Heathers, Army of Darkness, Road Trip...
That's about all I can think of for now.
Harold and Maude, Don't Shoot The Teacher, Dr. Strangelove, The Last Wave, Swept Away (the 1st version), King of the Gypsies (Eric Roberts 1st movie), Winter Kills, The Silent Partner