Guilt trip on R&F if you don't preach

by bobld 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    There is a certain feeling in the air,that you MUST preach and to knock on doors.They like to as an example,if you know that there's a tornado or some bad weather is coming and you don't say anything or warn the people,you bear resonsibility for the lives lost.The WBTS looks at it the same way.Thus the gulit trip for not going from door to door.

    Now this is about as stupid as a queer in a whorehouse.The GB of the WBTS should be guilty of not warning the people,by modern technology methods.They should be using,T.V.,RADIO,INTERNET,SATELLITE ETC.Not this bull dung of going from door to door.How would they like it if a tornado hit their new printery in Wallkill,N.Y. and the Government sent troops form door to door to warn their volunteer workers.How about their properties in Brooklyn,N.Y. So don't give me this guilt story of preaching from door to door as the most effective.Just look at the history of how many people lost their lives in the past due to tornados because they did not have the modern technology of warning people as compared to today.Get off you high horse and if you think your message is so important to warn people than use the proper methods.


  • cameo-d

    Hey Bob.

    You have logical reasoning there.

    Did you know that the internet put Watkins (door to door flavorings and spices) out of business?

    WT is a lot like Tupperware and Amway. The guys in the wheel house don't give a heck about the's recruits they want!

    WT is a pyramid club...just the same way.

    You can only get recruits in these stupid scams by using a one on one dominance conversation. That's why all your WT "sales" techniques have to be rehearsed. Those meetings with programs are to teach you how to slick talk and overcome objections just the same as any amyway meeting will teach you. S**^ you can buy soap at the store. That's not the issue. The point is to convince the gullable and ignorant and make people think they have something unique they can't get anywhere else. And this uniqueness makes them special, too.

    I imagine some people get suckered into the JW religion because of their own vanity...because they are made to feel they will be part of an "exclusive, superior" group that are closer to God than anyone else on the earth.

    An open book internet approach would not work for WT. Anyone with reasoning will look for unbiased info as well as pro and con before making a decision.

    WT does not care about the god product; it cares about numbers! recruits! properties! inheritances! It takes door to door and love bombing to get that. The technique has worked for nearly a hundred years.

    But, guess what. Just like the internet put Watkins Spices out of business, it will also be the demise of the WT and that ark is gonna sink.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The WT does have a radio station.

    I read about it years ago.


    A quick search of the WTCD found it for me.

    Is it still going?

    Radio Station WBBR Preaches the Word

    Jehovah’s witnesses now declare “the day of vengeance of our God” and at the same time “comfort all that mourn”. (Isa. 61:2) This message of judgment upon the nations and of comfort to the mourners is being published in all the world unto all nations by God’s faithful Kingdom publishers who are ministers of the gospel, by the printed page, by word of mouth, by correspondence and by radio. Outstanding in the field of radio is the Watchtower station WBBR, in New York City.

    Many have been the attempts by the misguided servants of darkness to still the voice of this, the only radio station on earth dedicated wholly to the service of Almighty God; but after twenty-six years of uninterrupted proclamation of the Kingdom message giving unstinted praise to Jehovah, WBBR goes confidently on sharing with all other Theocratic instruments the protection Jehovah has promised to his people.—Isa. 54:17, Am. Stan. Ver.

    This station being confined to a building, and its voice not being strong enough to reach into all lands, it is unable to fulfill the divine command to preach this gospel of the Kingdom to all nations. The overspreading of the earth with the gospel message is done by the entire body of gospel preachers, Jehovah’s witnesses, as they actively publish the truth in all nations. However, WBBR does have a rare opportunity of preaching to many persons from many nations.

    WBBR’s voice may reach some or many of the official representatives of nations, because of its location in New York city. How so? Why, because the focal point of the largest gathering of national representatives ever to exist on earth is New York city. The nations gather there representatively in a United Nations organization. And WBBR has a message that should vitally concern the United Nations, because God’s Word speaks of such international attempts to rule the world, and WBBR preaches that Word.

    Over nineteen centuries ago Jesus gave warning of the coming of this great council of nations with its religious backing and said it would presume to stand in the holy place, claiming to be divinely authorized, but in actuality it would be a dreadful desecration under the guise of the political expression of the kingdom of God on earth. “‘So when you see the dreadful desecration, of which the prophet Daniel spoke, set up in the Holy Place’—the reader must take note of this.”—Matt. 24:15, An Amer. Trans.; Ps. 2:1-9.

    At the time this great kingdom counterfeit come into prominent view there is to be a mighty world-wide proclamation regarding the true kingdom: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” (Matt. 24:14) The desecrating counterfeit has come into view; God’s people are taking note of this. And WBBR is preaching it, at the very doorstep of the U.N.

    Not only are the official representatives of many nations within reach of WBBR’s radio signal, but also there are millions of individuals speaking the languages of the various nations, many thousands of them being foreign-born. The iron curtain may be down between the good news of the Kingdom and those nations behind that iron curtain, and may hinder though not stop gospel-preaching in those lands; but there are still in the great metropolitan center of New York city, WBBR’s primary area, according to the last census, 926,516 Russians; 412,543 Poles; 322,586 Austrians; 123,188 Hungarians; 57,624 Czechoslovakians; 84,675 Rumanians, and 11,355 Yugoslavians.

    We might look to Palestine, with its 1,912,000 inhabitants, when we think of the good news of the Kingdom going to the Jews of the fleshly house of Israel, and yet incline to ignore the fact that there are “2,035,000 Jews in New York city alone. We think of Rome as being the city where most Italians would be found in one place; there are 1,500,000 inhabitants in Rome, yet in New York city there are 1,095,000 persons, Italian-speaking or Italian-born. There are 506,635 people in Dublin, Ireland, where the kingdom message is greatly opposed by the Catholic clergy, yet there are 518,466 Irishmen in New York city alone, where the Kingdom message is freely broadcast by WBBR. And while in Greece Jehovah’s witnesses receive diabolical persecution at the hands of false religionists, from WBBR the good news of the Kingdom is within easy reach of 53,253 Greeks residing in the city of New York.

    WBBR is indeed a powerful instrument in the hands of the Most High God, privileged to preach not to all nations, but to many individuals from many nations.

  • reniaa

    Out of interest do you think Jesus and his appostles if here now would sit back on their computers and use the internet or TV to preach or would they prefer the personal less self-promoting touch?

    It sure would have helped poor Paul who walked miles between towns, Got shipwrecked and allsorts doing the preaching work in such a poor manner, It is disgusting Jesus didn't provide the technology then for them to use these wonderfully superior modern methods ^^

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    They would employ someone to make the best use of the internet and the airwaves.

    Your Watchtower does neither.

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    So good to see you finally agree Reniaa

  • poppers

    What Black Sheep said, reniaa. Common sense isn't so common I guess. Good posts bobld and cameo-d.

  • isaacaustin

    Out of interest do you think Jesus and his appostles if here now would sit back on their computers and use the internet or TV to preach or would they prefer the personal less self-promoting touch?

    My reply: I think they would use both the methods they use in Jesus day (Public squares and synogogues) as well as ways to reach many at a time.

    It sure would have helped poor Paul who walked miles between towns, Got shipwrecked and allsorts doing the preaching work in such a poor manner, It is disgusting Jesus didn't provide the technology then for them to use these wonderfully superior modern methods ^^

    My reply: Wow. Just like the WT...blame Jesus...its his fault for not providing technology then. LOL

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Black Sheep. They sold the Radio Station in 1957 as it "no longer served the interests of the Kingdom"

  • ColdRedRain

    Actually, the JWs are more like a people who predicted massive F5 tornadoes to go through Oklahoma City on a certain day, but instead, saw a cold air funnel touchdown in an open field a day later in rural Oklahoma, knocks on people's doors and tells them that time is short and to get to their basements. Meanwhile, modern technology is out there that describes the door knocker's past failed predictions.

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