Hello all =)
by JudgeRutherfords 23 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome to the Forum, JR! What brings you to our neck of the "interwebs"?
Mickey mouse
Hello Judge Rutherford! How are things in heaven? Do you miss the booze?
Here come Da Judge!
Welcome along.
Ok..that went well..i'll try again....hehe
Thought i'd introduce myself as im new around here. I'll try to give u the shortened version of my story....
I have a catholic dad but my Jw mum brought me up in the org. I had a few doubts about the validity of their claim to be the FDS and that everything they taught was correct but i never really let it bother me. Eventually got baptized at the age of 20 cos i wanted to get married to my jw gf whom i had been going with for 4 years, n for some reason its frowned upon if your not baptized but u get married. So i bowed to the pressure and got dunked. I realized after about a year and a half of being baptized that i didnt like the way my life was going and that i wasnt ready to settle down and i didnt want to be the next ministerial serpent in the hall. So i DA'd myself and met another girl a while later and moved in with her. I left the org thinking i had left behind the true organization and felt guilty for a little while. Thankfully I have now seen the org for what it is and will definitely not be going back. My mum, sister, brother-in-law and my little niece now no longer talk to me which is hard to take.
Thats the short version...bet u wouldnt like to see the long version !!!
Yes we'd like the long version! Welcome........Wow you DA'd young. My son who never got baptized was kind of dating this JW girl who was 21 when he was 17. All they did was talk on the phone for two years and formed a pretty tight emotional connection. Her parents refused to even meet my son because he was not baptized! Even though at the time my family were active JW's. Anyways that relationship is way over. My son decided he didn't want to be a JW for many reasons and he had refused to get baptized for the sake of her or her parents and they tried to push him to do it. I'm so glad he didn't!..........wf
I think its terrible the whole mindset of "courting with a view to marriage". I mean its obvious when you hit 16 17 you will naturally want to go out and get a gf or bf or "get to know other young ones in the congregation" but as soon as you have been going out with them for a year or 2 people start dropping hints about marriage. I even had elders coming up2 me asking me when i was going to make an honest woman out of my gf !! The pressure on young ones to marry the first person that they start "getting to know" is unreal and i think its why there are so many broken marriages in the org.
Mickey mouse
Did you marry the JW girlfriend?
How long have you been DA'd?
I agree JR, and now my son, who is almost 19 is having a hard time knowing how to just 'date' and make 'girl friends' because I raised him to believe that you don't even do that unless your ready for marriage. Since we left we are having to relearn many things. It's weird at times.......wf