Only in Texas
by PEC 11 Replies latest jw friends
Says it is unavailabel
She should not have been argumentative and confrontational with the officer.
It looks like she laid down on the grass--following his directive--and then he tasered her. She is off camera at that point so we can't see if she was getting a weapon out, getting up, or complying.
I've seen this, it's on all of the news sites.
Apparently someone being pissed off about getting a speeding ticket gives the police the right to arrest you. Then if you get pissed off about that, they can tase you.
Have you noticed the unprovoked attacks by police on people who are disobedient even in a mild manner is getting rapidly out of control?
The cops down here in Texas can be really on the defense. But, there are some obviously abusive and criminal activities going on by police here too.
A whole town here made the national news for "highway robbery", confiscating people's money and valuables during arrests for routine traffic violations and never returning them, and finally spending them on town entertainments and themselves.
Pretty crooked I think....they say the law allows for it. I wish there was a law that allowed ME to take people's money at gunpoint and get paid for it, too. LOL
This is one of the reasons why, I avoid driving in Texas if at all possible and if I have to I drive there, I drive a car with Texas plates. Tasers have killed young healthy people, the officer tasered her to punish her for not kissing his ass, this wrong and officer should be punished, water boarding sounds appropriate to me.
Barbie Doll
She said she would sign the Ticket, She did what he said and laid on the ground then he Tasered her.
The women is 72 years old, he could have killed her.
The cop was wrong, he was out of control.
They should put him in jail.
John Doe
The son of a bitch outweighs her by 150 pounds and is a foot taller. I don't care if she was bat shit crazy, there was no reason for him to taser her. He needs to serve time for this. He's being a bully.
She should not have been argumentative and confrontational with the officer.
"To serve and protect" I thought the USA was a democracy? When is okay to use physical force against words? In Quebec it is the LAW for a police officer to be polite and it is your RIGHT to ask question and be argumentative. The only time a police officer is allowed to use force is when you are under arrest and you are resisting THAT IS IT. I am glad I don't live in the USA. One more thing what is the level of education for a police officer in the US?
I'll side with the officer,
She was verbaly resistant and non compliant.
They were in a dangerous situation with traffic.
She was in his danger zone and would not retreat.
He had to quickly get control of the situation for her safety and his.
She was too close to his person and his weapon and would not create distance
and move away.
You catch more flys with honey than with vinegar.
She came out full of piss and vinegar.
You cant do that with the law.
I work in a jail. I prefer to work in a jail than on the road.
The road is very unpredictable very dynamic.
Many times people are not going to be happy when they are given tickets.
And things happen very quickly.
If the officer gets disciplined, which I doubt he will, nor believe he should.
He will think more about enviromental factors before he gives his next speeding ticket.
But it appears he was thinking about enviromental factors, that is why he wanted her
out of harms way.
She may sue him, and that may curtail his method of opperations. I dont think she will
win, but it would be aggravating to the officer.
If you speed on a highspeed road and get stopped in traffic you have
to comply or you may get hurt.
I'm not a big fan of the police, but everyone benefits by enforcing speeding laws.
If we didnt eforce speeding laws we would have anarchy.
When I went to the police academy in a certain southern state,
I was told you enforce the law differently on people that have money than you do
with people that dont have money.
Those who have money can get a lawyer and make your life misserable.
She looked like she may have had some money.
So she may get back at him.