I was thinking about this site and the purpose it serves. Each person has a different reason to be on here. Some of us are in and want out, some of are out and need to use this as a way of communicating the hurt and repression and anger that they have experienced whether self induced or WT induced. Some of us are here because we passed the pain along time ago and are here to help others. Some of us are just lost and trying to figure things out. There there is the one group who want to defend the organization. Since I am a physically active member, mentally faded, would I not be DF'd for being here? Even if it was to defend my beliefs as a pro-organization/pro-Jehovah person, my just being here would cause me to be DF'd as I could be open to having apostacy creep in on me and harm the congregation. Why are there ones on here like Reniaa who do this? Are they exempt from all forms of punishment because they are trying to save their brothers? I am just trying to reason how someone can come onto a forbidden site such as this and try to save someone when they themselves are violating the rules of the society.
And before you start your reply, remember, in WT world suggestions by the society are nothing more than a nice way of saying that "this is the rule." For example, it is each individuals decision to get a tattoo. Get one and make it public knowledge and find out what happens. A lot happens. Voting is a personal decision even though we are politically neutral. Vote and see what happens when you are removed from elder or MS. Dress and grooming is a personal decision. Try wearing a shirt with a beer logo on it outside of the KH. Enjoy the elder's counsel.