This one time, the night they disfellowshipped my sorry ass from the Christian congregation smerk smerk, I came strolling back from a beer bar and had to pee in a major way so I stumbled my way next to the entry door of the Hall and let loose with at lest a picture of Rolling Rock beer after it was filtered through me kidneys, it still makes me proud.
Have you ever done something to show your disgust with the Kingdom Hall?
by Leprechaun 44 Replies latest jw friends
"A Picture" of it? Upload it here.
Not on that level........ but I am not beyond leaving in the middle of a meeting (ie not waiting until song).
Shortly after being df'd in absentia (not because I had refused to show up or anything like that) I tore the organization book in half and nailed it to the Kingdom Hall door.
The peeing incident is pretty classless and just gives them more reason to believe that apostates are animals with no morals or self-control.
I can understand *wanting* to do that, but sure would not condone taking this action.
I have plans to decorate the pine in front of the hall with xmas ornaments
Some of my friends and I in the Hall egged 3 of the elder's cars at their home. It was soooo much fun. It was 1 in the morning and we were just bored.
Well frankly, I don’t give a dam what the Witness’s think concerning apostates or disfellowshipped ones at all, they can do damage to people’s lives and want them to have no life at all except to just buy their dam magazines and going from door to door spewing their dogma. I think if I could have taken a dump at the time I would left it also in front of their door at the Hall, like they say” business men do these things.
I have done things like blowing off a talk (they were counting on me to give a Number Two talk, and I blew it off on purpose). I have also dogged my assignments--often not giving out the slips until the last minute because I missed too many boasting sessions. I also dogged my calls, so I wouldn't get any studies.
As of recent, I have my place decorated for Christmas where it can be seen from the highway behind the apartment (and I am waiting for an accident to be started when one of the hounders en route to the boasting session takes too long to look to see if that is real, and hits a tree). I also tell people why I no longer believe anything the witlesses say--even sending them to an apostate Web site--I ruined one study that way.
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I used to just get up and leave. Sometimes during the song and other times during the prayer. I wouldn't pee there but being drunk I understand how you could do it. LOL