Hi All,
I was thinking about the responsibility that Christianity puts on believers to convert others. Does God hold his worshipers responsibile to get other worshipers, especially when this brings persecution and death in many instances? Doesn't God consider his worshipers worth a little help in this world? Like one bible writer said, he could make the stones cry out. If he can, why doesn't He? It would work so much better than a Watchtower or Awake. It would convince me. But no, we have to search out all the conflicting fluff and try to come up with "TRUTH", then, when we think we have found it, it turns out to be more fluff.
I'm tired of all the different crap I have seen purported to be absolute "TRUTH". You have to listen to your own conscience, but many times it has been trained by others to the point that it really isn't your own. Where do you go from here? I guess I will continue to think of God as something out there, but I damn sure don't know where.
Ken P.