Well....how could he? He still continued to offer animal sacrifices after Jesus was murdered.
Wouldn't this indicate that he did not believe the death of Jesus accomplished the "ultimate sacrifice" for mankind?
Acts 21:18-27 The Apostle Paul willingly joined four other men (believers in Yahshua) and offered animal sacrifices. This was in the year of C.E. 60; 29 years after Yahshua ascended into heaven. Thousands of other followers of Yahshua did the same (Acts 21:20).
Acts 24:17 Paul's testimony is, "After many years I came to bring alms to my nation, and offerings" [animal sacrifices], (recorded in Acts 21:18-27).
1 Cor. 9:13; 10:18 In 59 C.E. the Levitical priests were still offering sacrifices at the Temple in Jerusalem. The Apostle Paul raised no objections.
Heb. 8:3, 4; 9:6, 8-10; 10:11 In the year of C.E. 64 animal sacrifices were still being offered at the Temple in Jerusalem, 33 years after the Messiah ascended into the heavens.
It appears that Paul restored the money changers back to the temple after Jesus tried to stop those things.