My Public Apology to The Record Collector.

by Andee 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    Awwwwwwwwe Andee,

    That was a fine thing you did - and a fine thing that RC said so too.

    We're all kinds here --- and it takes more than that, imho, to really sully a person's persona.

    Glad y'all back in gear. I don't go in chat unless I know the persons in there. Even then, persons - and subjects - change fast and furious sometimes. Things get said, and sometimes not really meant *that* way.

    Glad y'all made friends again.


  • TheRecordCollector


    Junior Member

    United States of America
    Posts: 50
    Since: Sep 22, 2001 Re: You ((((Hug)))) Me, Then Put a Knife In My ... Dec 19, 2001 23:14

    I Forgive You. But Andee, I don't think it was your fault.
    I have recieved SEVERAL letter's from many people expressing their sentiments on the issue. I appreciate that very much.

    I don't know who has been referring to me as a flake & a liar.
    Yes, being refered to as "a Flake" does hurt.
    But to be called "a Liar".....that is the worst. I value my character. I believe in being honest. Without it, you cannot even be trusted. Once you lose someones trust, its very difficult to regain it.

    The person who told me about the situation in chat the other night, I am going to talk to about it. I believe this person actually meant good, but somehow things were misunderstood or something. Many of you know about the situation concerning Debi and I. This individual is romantically interested in a witness too, and was courious (I think) how I was handling MY situation with Debi. I think this person is trying to find out what to expect.

    I think this individual was feeling that the same things being said about ME would also be said about (him/her). Yes, I am trying not to identify this person. I don't want to stir up any more trouble.

    For someone to call me a Liar, I cannot find words to discribe how that makes me feel.

    The following is a copy & paste from Andee's appology.
    I have to reply to this:

    Master Member
    Posts: 825
    Since: Feb 18, 2001 Re: My Public Apology to The Record Collector. Dec 19, 2001 17:54

    Andee you're much more than a backstabbing no good gossip spreading apostate slimeball .. you're also a woman lying with woman, blaspheming, no natural affection, feet in a hurry to run to badness, critical time hard to deal with!

    (TRC speaking here): "UncleBruce"...I don't know who you are, but please don't say that about Andee. She appologized. I accept it. But it was relayed to me, that she was NOT the INITAL person who said those things. It was apparantly OTHER people in chat saying those things. Not Andee.

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