I was asked to leave the table...an incredible shunning experience

by JustHuman14 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • dinah

    That was arrogant! Do they own the pre-school? Jesus Christ on a cracker, it's a public place! Those people lack common sense sometimes, as they wait to inherit the world.

    You handled things much better than I ever could have, Justhuman.

  • shopaholic

    Sorry that happened to you. Personally, I would stayed in the seat and forced them to stay or leave.

  • iknowall558

    I would have told the teacher on them...!

    There is no way you should have left. You had every right to be there. You are not under their rules any more, you don't need to listen to anything they have to say. I know what I would have said..........starts with F............and ends with UCK OFF!

  • ohiocowboy

    Dinah said:

    "Jesus Christ on a cracker, it's a public place!"

    He agrees wholeheartedly!

  • LouBelle

    And once again many of them show their true nature and it is not of God. If ever that happens again, don't move, they have no right to ask you too anyway.

  • homeschool

    You wouldn't be making them leave the table if you stayed.

    They would leave by their choice.

    Very good point...one that a lot of jw's do not abide by for so many things. We are all responsible for our actions.

  • JustHuman14

    I know I could have just ignore them and stay. Unfortunately among with the other JW's was a first degree relative of mine, that besides my disfellowship still talks to me and treats me kindly. That was the only reason I left quietly, other wise I wouldn't move my ass from there. It was a public event that JW's have nothing to do with it.

    I recall WT's policy on this matter, that if they have a situation like that "faithfull JW's" must leave or sit some place else, if they will have to eat at the same table with a disfellowshiped person. Perhaps Blondie can give more light in a situation like that.

    Since I left WT 3 years ago, I do not accept their leadership or their elders. Unfortunately WT still some how controls our life. The fact that we are posting here indicates this.

    Most of all they show their real face, an Evil Cult, that have nothing to do with Christian Love and Jesus. It is a shame how the leadership of the WT destroying peoples lifes, in a way that they can be fixed again.

    My crime is that I no longer believe in the WT that they are "God's"chosen ones. For this "crime" I was not allowed to attend to my daughters wedding reception, and for sure it will happen the same with the other 2 children I have...

    WT thinks that is beyond God and Jesus, it is an idolatry worship that turns people way from Christ, just like the Golden Culves in Bethel...

  • mkr32208

    You should have called them on it... LOUDLY! They would have been shamed and the anti-witness would have been terrific. I never let a chance got show a couple dozen people what this group is all about...

  • Scott77

    "you bloody Pharisees, do you think you are better from the rest of the world?"...Those bastards in Brooklyn are incredible...

    and they have the guts to write about persecution and for someones choice to have a new religion...(JustHuman14).

    So much for the 'true christian religion' Thanks JustHuman14 for pointing out the above. Nowonder,I am 100 percent Watchtowerphobic.


  • leavingwt

    I would have probably told them, "I was just thinking of moving. The smell of bull$hit coming from your direction is ruining my appetite."

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