Can you handle a group of old men controlling the following in your life? Your intimate sexual life with your wife, all your entertainment choices, what games you may play, possibly your employment, no holidays, no higher education, no God in your married life as the jw's will not allow her to discuss God & the bible with you unless you agree with all things jw (you would endanger her spirituality), your grooming habits, your clothing choices, no YMCA, would you be ready to let your children die at the direction of the elders?, would you be willing to NOT go to the police should your child be molested by a jw and have the entire matter handled by the elders and not inform anybody in the cong? Would you be willing to hand your brain over to them on a silver platter and promise not to do any independent thinking? Will you be willing to ignore past false prophecies and accept new false prophecies as 'truth'? if yes to all of the above, sign up for a bible study.
If not, you have one hell of long road with this woman. Your life WILL be controlled by the wt whether you like it or not. You too will get the lovely label so many of here have, that of ubm (unbelieving mate). Doesn't matter if you believe in God or the Bible you will be considered ubm, worthy of death, birdseed, a walking corpse. Be prepared for her to lie to you on a regular basis, jw's are trained to lie and justify it by calling it 'theocratic warfare'.
My advice to you would be - there are many fish in the sea, find someone who is capable of having a thought of their own and the courage to admit it publicly.