1975 -What the Watchtower doesn't want you to know, new Video

by JWMediaFilms 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWMediaFilms

    In light of the new convention going on; some of the topics were 1914 and 1975. The society is realizing their members are dropping like flies because of these lies.


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  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


  • homeschool

    I am speechless (well, almost). Thank you for sharing. My sister and her husband recently came to my house the other day to discuss the "generation of 1914" issue with me. And my Brother-In-Law actually brought out these very points....stating 'ohhhh, there was talk and speculation but it wasn't coming from the headquarters"...my sister said "they even mentioned it from assembly platforms occasionally"..... my question is: the headquarters specifically tells those who are giving talks what to say. And I'm sure they knew what was being said from the platforms (yes, I know....my own speculation). did the headquarters tell them to knock it off and quit telling people that the end was coming by 1975? No, not until AFTER 1975. Once again, thank you for sharing.

  • blondie

    I remember Fred Franz' talk about that and how the audience was murmuring. Hearing his voice brought back bad memories. Definitely a keeper.

  • Bryan

    Very well done!


  • homeschool

    Oh, was that fred franz's voice?

  • jamiebowers

    Hey! Welcome to JWN. Glad to have you here. I posted your video on this site here: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/176995/1/Please-Watch-and-Comment

    and also on JWS here: http://www.jwsupportforum.com/index.php?topic=6492.msg93501#msg93501

    Glad to have you on the boards. Please tell us your story.

  • Tatiana

    Awesome. I have been debating some JWs lately about this. They swear it was never 'predicted.' I'm going to give them this link.

  • homeschool

    Tatiana, do you really think they will watch it? I was contemplating the same, but I just don't think they will

  • Tatiana

    Tatiana, do you really think they will watch it? I was contemplating the same, but I just don't think they will

    Oh, they will watch it. Then pick it apart or disappear for a while. Always happens when I bring the Watchtower's own quotes, etc. They start calling each other bro and sister and then disappear for a few days. LOL Everyone can see this and knows they have no comeback.

    It's ok, though. Because it's not really for them, but for the other posters who they try to convert. That's who I post for.

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