as i went out less and less and less.......i loved the look on the bro at the magazine counter when i said i need three fewer or whatever.....after i did this a few times he said "yeah...several others have had to do the same"......and then i noticed that not only did i bring a huge stack of "back issues" into the hall and place them on the counter when nobody was looking......but there was already a pile there......then i just started trashing them........ahhh.......those were they days..............
faders....was it not fun reducing your magazine order over and over?
by oompa 19 Replies latest jw friends
Mickey mouse
I have increased mine. I recycle more paper nowadays too.
I just stoped picking mine up. Even if I went to meeting and the brothers would come up to me and remind me I would just say "oh yeah I forgot" then after a few months they cut my mags back and in time off.
i increased mine, and put the majority in the trash.
i still put quite a few unpaid watchtowers at laundromats
dacheech........why would you do that??.........trash them.......maybe all active faders should ask for 100 a month...........oompa
Two months ago, I threw a couple hundred mags. and a few books into the fireplace.
My "believing" wife was pissed... and a little scared.
That, my friends, is fun!
I simply stopped collecting my "quota". Most publishers did the same ... hence the backlog of magazines at the literature counter. The elders never had the time to single anyone out since it was a rampant problem.
I went from regular pioneer, back when we had to do 1000hrs a year, to never going in service again. There was a pile of mags waiting for me after 2 months of no meetings. I said I didn't want them and the bro looked like he was going to cry because he thought I was going to get htem off his hands. Oops! It wasn't on purpose, though, I just didn't think to cancel them.
As far as I was concerned, I could care less about cutting down the quota. Its the only thing that hurts the Borg....bleeding their resources without any chance of them getting something from it.
We would bring any extras and put them on the counter back by the magazines at the KH, when no one was there. It helped that hubbie had a key to the KH. Otherwise we would just come a little early and dump them.
We only got a home library copy of the Awake and 1 "placement" copy and 2 copies each of the WT. I still get 1 copy of each Awake and 2 copies of each WT monthly but not from the KH, I get them dropped off, because I'm "special."