About 6 months ago I started dating a non-witness. Our relationship has grown quite quickly and a few weeks ago I proposed to her. We are now in the midst of wedding and house-buying plans. I was reading through some of my initial posts from two years ago (man has it already been that long?) and was thinking wow, how much have I "progressed" out of the JWs. I can say I'm probably the happiest right now that I've ever been in my life, and I can't be more thankful for this forum which has provided me so much support throughout my journey.
I'm getting married!
by B_Deserter 13 Replies latest jw friends
Witness 007
Congrats Mate....sounds like you made it out okay!
Six months? I waited a year, twice. Enough said about that.
Congrats and best wishes to you both.
White Dove
DJK, I think it really depends on the individuals whether it's successful or not. Time does show up all the warts, though.
Hey Congratulations. Good for you!!!
Make me think of the song( in cockney)
"I'M getting married in the morning
Ding dong the bells are gonna chime""Get me to the Church on time..."""
Yep they are gonna ring for our buddy
B_Deserter GOOD LUCK My friend -
yadda yadda 2
Congratuations! Wish you both the very best of happiness together.
Congratulations! And Best Wishes and enjoy to the fullest the rest of your life!! Cheers!
kitten whiskers
Congrats! We were engaged in less than two months, married a year from the day we met and still going strong 13 years later! Don't let anybody scare ya! When you know...you know!
Congrats and good luck! Give us details if you can...date, big or small wedding, how's the house hunt gong, etc?
Mrs. Fiorini
Congratulations! I remember when Mr. Fiorini proposed, one of the best days of my life. I hope you two have all the happiness and joy that we have.
One of the positive things I took from my WT experience was from a circuit overseer who used to say in his talks that a good marriage is the union of two good forgivers. I have found this to be true, especially when it comes to the little irritations that can come up when two people share a home.
This is unsolicited advice, so take it for what it's worth. But I do try to find the good from my WT past, especially since there was so much bad.
Best wishes to you both!