Does anyone have a report on the content of this talk please? Any "new light"?
District Convention Friday pm talk - Answers to Questions About the Last Days
by yadda yadda 2 55 Replies latest jw friends
No idea. But I would guess the main question was: Are we there yet?
kitten whiskers
My favorite statement about them, I read on old Jwd:
It's so close you can stick out your tongue and touch it!
It's so close you can stick out your tongue and touch it!
Oh please!!!!!!
Touch DEEZ ___ts!!!!!!
Ask and you shall receive:
Courtesy of AuntBee!
Hi Cabasilas and Aunt Bee, I so appreciate you getting these and other tapings on this site. I will listen to this later. But has anyone listened and do you have analysis on that talk yet? Or basically, the same old, same old?
Pretty much the same old "some Witnesses were expecting...." without admitting that the WT Society had started the whole thing and got all the JWs excited about such years as 1925 and 1975. Also, those that did expect these things in those years were actually doing a good thing because they were thus keeping on the watch.
In 1971, an obnoxiously over-confident branch representative addressed the district convention in New Zealand. He dramatically raised the question of how much time remained before this "wicked "system ends and then held up his arm way above his head for all to see, exposing the back of his hand with four fingers showing. We all knew what he meant: Four more years. The air was abuzz with excitement. On reflection, maybe each finger stood for one hundred years.....
Thank you very much for the audio file. Great posting.
Justitia Themis
...still blaming false expectations on "some" and "they" ...FDS refusing to accept responsiblity for persuading the rank/file to believe false dates.
It appears the scripture they used applies to them...'In the last will be arrogant, puffed up with pride, not open to any agreement...' and unwilling to admit mistakes.