White shirts on men for a while then it changed to color - well pastels then went back to white.
Any hairstyle that was in fashion or clothes. Major discussion about hair length on men and facial hair or no and when/if yes then how long. We had one brother that for some dermatogigical problem could not shave - he had to get special permission to have a beard.
We had a rumor that Harvey's served horse meat and therefore we could not be sure how the animals were killed therefore the food was unsafe - which in turn meant we could not even have a coffee there in case someone thought we might be eating a horsemeat burger.
My husband (st the time) destroyed all his Beatle albums for having subliminal messages.
No garage sales just in case the owner of the house had a Ouija board or some other demonized object in their house.
No buying things at second hand stores - especially the Salvation Army - you never could tell if the demons decided to live in the things you bought and come home with you.
Well the book thing - no romances, fiction or worse still science fiction. Most definitely no religious books - except the voluminous Wt literature. No soap operas - daytime or night time - like Dallas. Most TV shows except maybe documentaries and the news.
Oh lordy sex - well definite limits on what could and could not be done. Birth control - no IUD or anything else that interupted conception
Collecting anything - well except WT books and magazines I guess
No pets - not banned but certainly discouraged - like who would take care of them when you were away at an assembly
Hmmm no vacations unless of course they were to visit a Bethel
No gambling - no bingo or lotto tickets - no raffle tickets either or anything that relied on "luck"
No extra-curricular activites from school - no sports - no music or band - no debate clubs or chess clubs (a war game so a definite no-no) and so on
No computers - hey we might learn something and well no higher education
Will come up with more later