In the 1970's Patty Hurst the daughter of a millionaire was kidnapped and ransomed. Later, she joined the group and helped them rob banks! At her arrest she stated: "...tell the Brothers and Sisters I'm okay..." Many other captives have had the same response. So, someone stuck in a life threatening situation becomes emotionally connected to their powerful captor, even defending them. Did this happen in the Watchtower society? The promise of a Paradise and surviving Armagedon only if we defend our beliefs, and obey the Elders to our death!
Brainwashed dedication= We suffered from "Stolkhom Syndrome" in the truth!!
by Witness 007 11 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I agree, I've always felt the jw's suffer from Stolkhom Syndrome. They begin to love the very people who oppress them and hold them captive. They look to their captors as saviors rather than what they really are. The leaders hold their families, souls and lives hostage for a promise that doesn't exist. The mind control is so complete the victim/willing victim thinks the ideas are their own and they follow of their own accord. Restricting all negative information or actual facts makes it all the easier.
A very realistic possibility indeed !
Witness 007
A Japanese soldier Teruo Nakamura from World War 2 surrenders in the 1974! He had been following orders "not to surrender." He decided to surrender only to his superior Officer....who was now a book seller. They flew him in, and he finally gave up.
lol apostate fairy tales
Reniaa..You`ll never be an Apostate..You would have to be a Jehovah`s Witness first..LOL!!.............It must be frigg`n late were you are..How do you stay up that late?.......I`d be a mess the next day.....................OUTLAW
Hey it's morning time in England .. don't you know? They're 7 hours ahead of our time, i don't know about your time zone.
yes its morning in the UK 8.20am
here is an interesting link to Stockholm syndrome
But I think the emotive aspects of the Patty Hearst case and stockholm syndrome as conveyed by newspapers are a way for xjws to address their feelings of loss when exiting a situation where every aspect of life is seen as being in need of taming.
On a scale of 1-10 I'd say that being a jw and trying to cope with negotiating an exit would be anywhere between 4- 10 depending on the situation of the person and whether or not they were being disciplined by the elders.
OK..Reniaa is probably having morning tea..Not much different here..........It`s 20 after 12am here........I`ll have a good sleep..Then make my morning tea............................OUTLAW
this is a good fits many JWs who feel that the qunatity of their salving for the WT equates to their entrance into the elusive JW new system.