Dear Brothers and Sisters

by JWMAN 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    Kevin you damn Preeevert, how are ya do'n?
    No you can't rub my bummy! You know I like you and all but it's not, like you like you, it's just like you.
    Just as other things in this manner I'll probably have to rub my own bummy.

    Take care ya big ole adopted exJW!


  • kevin221

    Dave my friend,
    Hope you are well. It's ok, I guess I can have a happy holiday without rubbing your bummy, (butt) it won't be easy!!!!!

    Take care my friend,
    (I'm an adopted exJW, that makes me special!!!!)


    JT: Thanks for your thoughts! We will be talking soon! All others, I know most of you need attention! I will do my best!

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    JWMAN is a previous poster (NYTELEDUMB)! Figure it out!

  • NameWithheld

    thandrin: I won't go into the details debunking that crap story about the UN 'library card'. There are MANY big threads here that detail WITH PROOF exactly what the WTBTS was doing with the UN, and it wasn't simply for a 'library card'.

    For one thing, they had to submit yearly applications to the UN to prove that they were holding up their end of the bargan by publishing UN material. One of their Awake articles in currently on a UN site!

    If you are really interesting in knowing the truth, read those threads and don't go into it with pre-concieved ideas.

  • datsdethspicable


  • COMF

    It sure sounds like "Gary LaMotta," "BibleTwit", "Larsman", "GB", et. al., doesn't it?

    Hey, Farkster, did you notice he never answered the question? You remember Gary never would flat-out lie about it. He might hedge, but when pinned down he did tell the truth, in a verbose way. Interesting. The style is not quite Gary's, I think, after a better look. For one thing, it's too short. Gary was into posting volumes. He wouldn't use a sentence if a paragraph would do. And, I don't remember Gary ever making any spelling errors.

    Still, it's strongly reminiscent of him. Yep.


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