UVA medical center is a wonderful place, I hope and pray also for a full recovery.
Prayers for Aubrey requested
by coffee_black 53 Replies latest jw friends
OMG, Coffee! She looks like my a younger version of my neice!
Aubrey, please be ok.... you can pull through this. Your family loves you and wants you with them. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
the research lady
Coffee_Black, so sorry to hear about Aubrey. I will keep her in my prayers as well as the rest of your family.
hemp lover
What a beautiful little girl - I'm so sorry. I hope she's okay soon.
My thoughts are with your family and your granddaughter
So sorry to hear this, stay strong. My thoughts an prayers are with you for speedy recovery fo Aubrey.
Coffee - you have touched the heart of this old Englishman , my prayers and best wishes for a speedy recovery
She looks a little better today. She talked and smiled. She has not complained, and has not cried...not once. Unbelievable. Surgery some time next week, hopefully. We are all hanging in there.
Glad to hear she is better today, thanks for letting us know,