Recent Birth Experience

by lambsbottom 16 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • lambsbottom


    You do realize that in virtually every developed nation, with exception to the United States, midwives handle all births and OBs are only brought in when there is an emergency...dont you? I have studied how OBs handle the birthing process and it is appauling. There have been numerous studies performed which show that women are much less likely to need advanced medical intervention under a midwife's care.


    There are some male OB's that are real douche-bags.

    In a perfect world, only lady Doctors would handle lady business. Mid-wife's for the birthing, OB's for emergencies, and me, to make sure the cycle continues... I don't want anything to do with lady business, except the baby making part, and that's how it should be.


  • OrphanCrow
    I have noticed over the years that birth stories are a lot like fishing stories with estimates of length of labor equating to size of fish.

    The difference between 'birth stories' and 'fishing stories' is that a birth story has a real live woman experiencing the limits of pain and suffering for those hours she is in labor.

    Fish stories don't involve women in pain and possibly herself and her baby dying.

    Fish stories are men bragging about a sport.

    Birth stories are real life and death situations.

  • millie210
    Thanks OrphanCrow!
  • millie210


    I wanted to comment on something that struck me about your post...

    I'm completely flabergasted at what happened with a couple in my old congregation recently. They are still active.

    The guy messages me that they had their baby and will be at a local hospital for the next couple days. So I say that I will try and swing by. I swing by and say hi to him, wife, and baby.

    the reason I noticed this is I am at that point in fading where I am losing some "friends".

    I noticed that you and your friends that had the baby are not in the same congregation. That speaks well of you that they called you about the baby.

    They must really appreciate your friendship. Thats nice to see.

  • millie210
    You do realize that in virtually every developed nation, with exception to the United States, midwives handle all births and OBs are only brought in when there is an emergency...dont you? I have studied how OBs handle the birthing process and it is appauling. There have been numerous studies performed which show that women are much less likely to need advanced medical intervention under a midwife's care.

    You are so right. The United States ranking in this regard has long been a concern but very little is changing.

    As a matter of fact in some rankings, the U.S. has dropped still further in recent years.

    There was some wisdom in what DataDog posted above. The simple act of a woman being able to walk around, kneel,squat - whatever position of comfort she chooses is a time honored way of not only coping with the pain of childbirth but also of accelerating the birthing process.

    Confining a woman to bed, strapping her with a monitor and expecting her to labor on her back is physiologically not the best. It is also not done for the mothers sake nor the babies.

    It has become the current standard of care however.

  • lambsbottom


    My spouse and I have had a number strange experiences with fading. We are completely faded now but have made it a point to try and live with a strong moral compass and also by the Golden Rule.

    We must let our light shine and show the active JWs that life outside of the ORG is good! The "ransom for all" Bible teaching that I learned from my studies with the Bible Students has completely changed my outlook regarding active JWs. They are overwhelmingly good people with good motives. However, Satan is blinding them using the religious powers. All with be remedied by the Lord, Christ Jesus, soon. It is already happening. False religion already lost most of its power in the early 1900s. We are not seeing its remaining institutions losing membership relatively quickly. Look at European church attendance!

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