by WuzLovesDubs 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • WuzLovesDubs

    I need quotes from articles they have written about how much they hate and distrust shrinks and how they believe shrinks are trying to blame JWs depression on their religions.

    I know you guys got the husband and I are in family therapy with a counselor and I believe he is blowing smoke up her ass, telling her what he thinks she wants to hear to get the hell out of there. I want to show her that she cannot believe everything he says and that the JWs as they are in COURT, are disingenuous and liars in front of psychiatrists.


    PS He announced to her in front of our son, that not only doesnt he love me now but he NEVER loved me...that he said to me while we were courting what he thought I wanted to hear. That he didnt want to marry me but did so because he said he would and felt obligated. So for 22 years, I have lived in a loveless marriage with a man who didnt even love me BEFORE we were married. He has ripped my heart out....and stomped on it.

  • allelsefails

    Your problem is not with the "witnesses". This guy is a f**king a**hole. Anyone that would say say things like that to their wife is someone you should run from as fast as possible. My wife's ex talked to her like that. It turns out he used to see hookers on his birthday and had a stash of porn that would make larry flint proud. Then he cheated on her with her best friend. Anybody that is such a wuss to lie above loving someone for 22 years and then torture them with that statement should be castrated and sent on their way. As to your question, I'll see what I can find.

  • jamiebowers
    I know you guys got the husband and I are in family therapy with a counselor and I believe he is blowing smoke up her ass, telling her what he thinks she wants to hear to get the hell out of there. I want to show her that she cannot believe everything he says and that the JWs as they are in COURT, are disingenuous and liars in front of psychiatrists.
    PS He announced to her in front of our son, that not only doesnt he love me now but he NEVER loved me...that he said to me while we were courting what he thought I wanted to hear. That he didnt want to marry me but did so because he said he would and felt obligated. So for 22 years, I have lived in a loveless marriage with a man who didnt even love me BEFORE we were married. He has ripped my heart out....and stomped on it.

    If he keeps making comments like that, the counselor should be able to figure out that your husband has a pattern of blowing smoke.

    Also, you may want to Google Dr. Jerry Bergman.

    Good luck, and so sorry that your husband is an A**HOLE!

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    He announced to her in front of our son, that not only doesnt he love me now but he NEVER loved me.

    I'm so sorry that happened to you. That was a cruelty you did not deserve.

    I have been out of the WT for many years now and don't remember any articles that indicated a distrust for psychologists when I was in. However, I agree with the above poster that she will see the situation for what it is. Sadly, so will your son. An announcement like your husband made does nothing to engender respect for him from anyone who hears it.

    I wish you the best during this difficult time.

  • WuzLovesDubs
    WuzLovesDubs guys are so nice.

    Am I crazy?? Did I not remember correctly? MARY!!! Help girl! I know you know what Im talking about. Or was that just another urban legend that we all got sucked into? That if you are depressed and you go to a worldly shrink they will try to convince you its your religion and try to "separate you from Jehovah?"

  • BluesBrother

    Hello Wuzluvsdubs..My heartfelt sympathy for all that you are going through

    However, as somebody said, I think that your issues are personal with Mr, rather than the WTS.

    Certainly in the past, perhaps 50 or more years ago they used to attack psychiatry as a pseudo science that did more harm than good. But in recent years any article on depression or mental illness has said that professional mental health care may be necessary. They have not knocked it for decades.

    Certainly in my family loyal dubs have consulted psychologists and psychiatrists without any faith related issues.

  • allelsefails

    It is one of those things like not having facial hair if you're a servant. It is not written anywhere, but you'll know right away if you do it that is very bad. They actually changed their view on counselors in recent years (10-15??) When I served as an elder (2001-2007) I recommended people seek professional help and was never criticized for doing so. Here is quote a found where they admit to discouraging psychiatric assistance: ....................................... *** w63 5/15 pp. 319-320 Questions From Readers *** ? Would it be necessary for a psychiatrist to change his profession before he would be eligible for baptism and recognition as one of Jehovah’s witnesses?—R. W., United States. No, it does not seem that this would be necessary. The fact that the Watch Tower publications have discouraged dedicated Christians consulting worldly psychiatrists except in extreme cases does not mean that a psychiatrist cannot and does not help those who consult him. Whether a psychiatrist continued to practice his profession upon dedication or not would be entirely his decision to make. It is possible that he could be a far better psychiatrist by reason of his now understanding and appreciating Bible principles, and especially because of his faith in Jehovah God and his dedication to do God’s will. See “Scriptural Aspect of Psychosomatic Medicine,” in The Watchtower, April 15, 1954, pages 232-236. However, a dedicated Christian psychiatrist would need to be very careful not to unduly influence other Christians so that they would come to him for worldly wisdom instead of going to their overseers for heavenly wisdom. In fact, he would have to lean over backwards, as it were, so as not to imply that his psychiatry is a higher wisdom than that found in the Bible The Bible contains far better advice for making over our personalities than does either psychiatry or psychoanalysis. And only its wisdom leads to everlasting life.—1 Cor. 13:1-13; Gal. 5:19-23; Col. 3:1-25.

  • allelsefails

    Here is the entire article it is referencing: *** w54 4/15 pp. 232-236 Scriptural Aspect of Psychosomatic Medicine *** Scriptural Aspect of Psychosomatic Medicine FOLLOWING righteous principles can have a good effect upon our bodies, not as a direct reward from God, but because of the vital relationship between our minds and bodies. This relationship is termed psychosomatic (mind, psyché, and body, soma). It must be, then, that the converse is also true, following unrighteous principles can have a deleterious effect upon our bodies. We can function at our best only when in harmony with God’s righteous principles. Before considering the Scriptural aspect of psychosomatic medicine let us note that recognizing such does not imply full acceptance of all that is claimed for the “psychosomatic tendency in medicine.” ‘Disease is not all in your mind,’ as a popular book by that title clearly shows; and the psychosomatic principle works both ways, for the body can and does affect the mind. To speak of the Scriptural aspect of psychosomatic medicine may sound like heresy to many psychiatrists, but that the effect of the mind upon the body is essentially a question of morals, of conduct, of behavior, is implied by none other than Dr. Seguin, in his book Introduction to Psychosomatic Medicine. According to him this new tendency in medicine should be called “ergasiology,” which means “the science of behavior in a broad sense.” For the Christian, behavior is to be governed by Scriptural rules. Psychiatrists, those concerned with the treatment of mental disorders (as distinguished from psychologists, who concern themselves with the study of the operations of the normal mind, and psychoanalysts, who seek to probe the unconscious or “subconscious” mind to get at the root of nervous disorders), classify emotions according to their effect upon the body. Thus Dr. O. S. English, of the Department of Psychiatry, at Temple University’s school of medicine, lists the eight most harmful emotions as being: (1) need for love, approval and recognition; (2) anxiety; (3) hostility; (4) inferior feelings; (5) ambivalence, or a combined feeling of love and hate; (6) guilt; (7) ambition and (8) envy. THE NEED FOR LOVE Why should the need for love, approval and recognition be first on the list as doing the most harm to most people? Because God has made us so that love is essential to our well-being. Regardless of our calendar years, regardless of our physical and mental growth and maturity, we are still falling far short unless we also reach maturity as regards our emotions, and especially love. In earliest infancy the importance of love cannot be overstressed; infants have died who had all they needed except sufficient mother love. As a child grows older, lack of parental love may cause it to have asthma or some form of skin ailment; ways in which a child feels insecure, because of a lack of love, may affect its physical health. In infancy and early childhood it is the parents’ selfishness or thoughtlessness that causes the child to suffer from a lack of love; but as we grow older it is our own fault if we thus suffer from the need of it. It shows that we are not giving love, for to give love means also to receive it. Note the way the Scriptures point this out: “Practice giving, and people will give to you. They will pour into your laps a fine measure, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing. For with the measure that you are measuring out they will measure out to you in return.” “There is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving.” “A liberal man will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” “A man who is kind benefits himself.”—Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35, NW; Prov. 11:25, 17, RS. The importance of love cannot be overstressed, and regardless of how insignificant our tasks may seem to be, if done out of love they are conducive to our physical well-being. By some it is termed “Eros” (love) or the creative instinct, and concerning it one Hutschnecker, in The Will to Live, says: “Love in its all embracing sense, as the Bible speaks of love, is the creative instinct.” So, if we are suffering from the most harmful of all emotions, the need of love, then it is because we are not following the Scriptural instructions regarding the showing of love to others. “You must love your neighbor as yourself.”—Matt. 22:39, NW. ANXIETY—FEAR AND WORRY The next most harmful emotion is anxiety, which includes fear and worry. That these can cause wrinkles and premature aging is well known, but not so well known is the fact that these make one more susceptible to disease. Thus two physicians, who made a protracted study of some 1,300 telephone operators in New York city, found that the women having the most illness were the ones who did the most worrying, being widows and divorcees with children to care for. Doctors have found also that anxiety slows down the heart beat as much as 27 beats a minute. The Bible shows that “men become faint out of fear” and the heart may stop.—Luke 21:26, NW; Isa. 13:7. The Scriptural antidote is obvious, namely, faith. Note Jesus’ counsel in this regard: “Quit being anxious about your souls as to what you will eat or about your bodies as to what you will wear. Who of you by being anxious can add a cubit to his life span? If, therefore, you cannot do the least thing, why be anxious about the remaining things? . . . you with little faith! So quit seeking what you might eat and what you might drink, and quit being in anxious suspense, for all these are the things the nations of the world are eagerly pursuing, but your Father knows you need these things.” “Come to me, all you who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you. Take my yoke upon you and become my disciples, for I am mild-tempered and lowly in heart, and you will find refreshment for your souls. For my yoke is kindly and my load is light.” And note also Peter’s advice: “Cast all your anxiety upon [God], because he cares for you.”—Luke 12:22, 25-30; Matt. 11:28-30; 1 Pet. 5:7, NW. Fear also exercises a vicious power in our bodies, harming heart and stomach and taxing the ductless glands. Surgeons know that fear may mean the difference between success and failure of an operation. Here again the remedy is faith. As Paul reminds us, Jehovah “has said: ‘I will by no means leave you nor by any means forsake you.’ So that we may be of good courage and say: ‘Jehovah is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’” And some hundred times the Scriptures command, “Fear not.”—Heb. 13:5, 6, NW. Fear indicates not only a lack of faith but also a lack of love. It betrays undue concern for our well-being. To the extent that we have love for God and our neighbor to that extent we shall be less concerned about ourselves. That is why John states that those who have love have freeness of speech, because “there is no fear in love.”—1 John 4:17, 18, NW. HOSTILITY Hostility or personal hatred, whether expressed violently or suppressed, does harm to the body. The former may cause fatal heart attacks, severe attacks of indigestion and even strokes. As regards the latter, we are told: “Anyone who has a large assortment of repressed emotions, especially of the hate and fear variety, is tying up large quantities of ordinarily available emotion,” and that they represent “a waste or dissipation of energy due to the faulty design of the personality.” Also that “internalized hates cause disease of the internal organs and represent partial suicide.” The Bible refers to fits of anger as works of the flesh, which the Christian is to avoid. It reminds us that love does not get provoked and that greater is he that rules his disposition or temper, spirit, than he that takes a city.—Prov. 16:32; 1 Cor. 13:5; Gal. 5:20, NW. God’s Word also counsels us not to cherish resentment, not to carry “internalized hatreds” around with us. It tells us that to ‘hate our brother is to be a murderer and that no murderer will gain eternal life.’ “You must not hate your brother in your heart.” “Let not the sun set with you in a provoked state.” (1 John 3:15; Lev. 19:17; Eph. 4:26, NW) Hostility or personal hatred is actually a form of rebellion. It represents a desire to punish another, to work injury. It is unwilling to wait upon Jehovah to make an accounting but wants to take the law into its own hands. Note how this is brought to our attention in Moses’ law, which, by the way, also shows us what the remedy is: “You must not take vengeance nor have a grudge against the sons of your people; and you must love your fellow as yourself.” Rather than returning kind for kind we are instructed, “Continue to love your enemies, to do good to those hating you, to bless those cursing you.”—Lev. 19:18; Luke 6:27, 28, NW. In this connection, however, it must be observed that the Bible shows that there is such a thing as a proper hatred, a “perfect hatred,” the kind of hatred that David had for those who hated God. (Ps. 139:21, 22) But such hatred does not harm us, because it is not coupled with a desire to personally work injury upon those hated, but rather results in a loathing of them, causing us to avoid having anything to do with them. INFERIORITY FEELINGS AND AMBIVALENCE Feelings of inferiority act as a depressant upon the human organism and are caused by having the mind centered upon oneself. Youth, lack of education, poverty, personal appearance or lowly station in life may cause one to feel inferior, but only if one is concerned with what others may think of him. Of course, the remedy for such feelings is to get God’s mind on the subject by recognizing that no one is perfect and that each one stands or falls to his own Master. Who has anything that he did not receive? None. The Christian, by reason of his knowledge of Jehovah and his purposes, and the privilege of serving as God’s minister, occupies a most honorable position, that of an ambassador. So “let the lowly brother exult over his exaltation, and the rich one over his humiliation.” Before God we are all on the same level.—Jas. 1:9, 10; Rom. 14:4; 1 Cor. 4:7; 2 Cor. 5:20, NW. “Ambivalence” is defined as a combined feeling of love and hate. It seems strange that we should want to hurt the object of our affection, but such is often the case. Hate being the opposite of love, the term “ambivalence” seems to be a contradiction, unless we remember that even the Bible uses the term “love” in various senses, and that possessive, selfish, passionate desire are at times referred to as love. It harms us physically because of the anxiety and hostility that it engenders in us. Adam’s regard for Eve seems to have been turned into ambivalence. On the one hand she seemed more important to him than everything else, and on the other hand he did not hesitate putting the blame upon her for his disobedience. True love makes one humble; selfish affection makes one proud. Jealousy is a form of ambivalence, and “jealousy is cruel as the grave.” And “he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.” (Song of Sol. 8:6; Prov. 11:17, AS) No question about it, just as we make ourselves happy by making others happy, so we make ourselves miserable when we let ambivalence make others miserable. GUILT, AMBITION AND ENVY The feeling of guilt is the punishment that an outraged moral sense or conscience inflicts upon the body in the form of anxiety, worry and fear. At times this punishment becomes so severe that the guilty one seeks escape by self-destruction. For this injurious emotion there is also a Scriptural remedy. To regain a good conscience requires repentance, confession to God and to the one wronged, with the request for forgiveness. It also requires the exercising of faith in Christ’s blood and making amends as far as lies within us. If we forgive others, we can trust that God will forgive us. At the same time humility is required, so as to accept the chastisement that comes upon us because of our sin. Having repented and set out on the right course, we must exercise faith that God has indeed forgiven us and not continually punish ourselves by going over past mistakes.—Matt. 6:4; 1 John 1:7; Phil. 3:13, NW. Ambition or competition is a form of hostility, the desire to get ahead of the other fellow. It causes one to go to extremes and robs one of peace of mind. Thus the body’s internal balance is upset, tensions are created and one is made more susceptible to disease. As someone has expressed it: “It is better to be poor and alive than to die of dyspepsia.” The Bible is filled with counsel against selfish ambition. “For what benefit will it be to a man if he gains the whole world but forfeits his soul [or life]? or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?” Riches have wings; rust corrodes them and thieves steal them. We cannot serve both God and Riches at the same time. The desire for selfish gain is a root of all sorts of injurious things, but godliness with self-sufficiency is a great means of gain. So let our lives be free from selfish ambition, being content with the things we have.—Matt. 16:26; 6:24, 34; 1 Tim. 6:6, 10; Heb. 13:5, NW. Envy is the begrudging of another’s blessings. King Ahab envied Naboth his vineyard, and those laborers who worked all day in the vineyard envied the generosity bestowed upon those who had worked only an hour. It harms the body because it robs one of peace of mind; it makes one miserable because of another’s happiness; and it is therefore a manifestation of hostility, blackening one’s outlook on life, even as Jesus indicated: ‘If your eye is sincere (that is, “simple,” all one way, in focus, generous), then your whole body will be bright; but if your eye is bad (that is, wicked or envious), then your whole body will be dark.’ (Matt. 6:22, 23, NW) The antidote for envy, then, is generosity, loving one’s fellow as oneself. Clearly, with the help of the Scriptures we can counteract the injurious effect that these eight most harmful emotions might have upon our bodies by eliminating them from our minds and dispositions, thus putting away our old personality and putting on a new one. We must do so, however, not primarily because of the psychosomatic principle involved and the beneficial effect upon our bodies, which is as far as most psychologists and psychiatrists go; we must do so because it is right, and because we love Jehovah God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and because we love our neighbor as ourselves.—Eph. 4:22; Matt. 22:37-39, NW.

  • Mary
    MARY!!! Help girl! I know you know what Im talking about. Or was that just another urban legend that we all got sucked into? That if you are depressed and you go to a worldly shrink they will try to convince you its your religion and try to "separate you from Jehovah?"

    Ask and ye shall receive:

    "... As a rule, for a Christian to go to a worldly psychiatrist is an admission of defeat. It amounts to 'going down to Egypt for help' - Isaiah 31:1. ...Also, more and more psychiatrists are resorting to hypnosis which is a demonic form of worldly wisdom." (Awake!1960 March 8 p. 27)

    Does the Solution Lie with Psychiatrists?

    PSYCHOTHERAPY is the art of trying to help mentally or emotionally disturbed persons by listening to their problems, and endeavoring to offer them insight to cope with these problems. Psychiatrists-persons who employ this form of treatment-have increased sevenfold in number in the United States during the past twenty-five years.

    The most popular psychiatric approach has been that of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytical "couch" theory. Its use, however, has been chiefly in the United States. Thus New York city, with nine million inhabitants, has almost a thousand psychoanalysts, whereas Tokyo, with eleven million people, has but three!

    The value of psychiatric treatment is by no means universally recognized. In fact, even the director of the United States National Institute for the Psychotherapies recently spoke of the "controversy and frequent disillusionment that currently characterize the field of psychotherapy." Also, psychiatrist Karl Menninger observed: "Nine tenths of people with so called schizophrenia get well without going near a hospital."

    In an especially strong indictment, Dr. H. J. Eysenck of the Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, wrote in the Medical Tribune of April 4, 1973, that the result "claimed for different methods of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis was almost exactly that found for spontaneous remission." In other words, according to Eysenck, persons receiving psychiatric help had about the same recovery rate as those receiving no psychiatric treatment at all!

    Help Provided

    However, it cannot be denied that some persons have received genuine help from psychiatrists. A man in California writes: "The help I received from that kind man was extremely beneficial, and my problem was resolved quickly." Posing the question, "What did this psychiatrist do for me?" he answered: "He listened. He really listened. . . . he helped me to realize that within myself I had the ability to develop self-control."

    This disturbed man had a behavioral problem, one that evidenced a serious sexual aberration. But through kindness and encouragement the psychiatrist helped him to correct his weakness. Even extreme cases have responded to such psychiatric treatment. Giving pertinent testimony along this line is a case history described in The Vital Balance, authored by a team headed by Karl Menninger.

    The case is that of "Mary Smith," who, at the age of sixty-three, was admitted to a state hospital. Somehow she had gotten the idea that her husband, a kind, gentle, typical farmer, was involved in illegal liquor traffic and that he had repeatedly tried to poison her. So she had attacked him with a hammer while he was sleeping.

    She was diagnosed as "disturbed, restless and confused." Six years after her admission she was judged incurably insane. Seven more years passed, and a new doctor came along who took an interest in her. He patiently listened to her strident complaints, sympathized and agreed with her whenever he could. He took walks with her, tactfully helping her to clear up some of her delusions. He had glasses fitted for her, and had the nurse give her things to read, as well as to chat with her.

    Gradually the tone of her voice changed, she became helpful in making beds, and was permitted to go walking on the grounds by herself. Soon she was allowed to be away for a few days. Then, at the age of seventy-six, she obtained a position as a practical nurse, caring for an elderly woman. Years later her daughter reported regarding her: "She is an excellent worker, helpful and cooperative . . . one of the best-organized women I ever knew at any age."

    Such successes in helping the mentally disturbed point to the type of treatment they especially need. Sir Geoffrey Vickers, as chairman of the Mental Health Research Fund, years ago explained: "By far the most significant discovery of mental science is the power of love to protect and restore the mind."

    Yes, love, kindness, patience and understanding are now generally recognized as vital in the successful treatment of mental patients. Yet, as noted earlier, psychiatrists often fail to help patients recover. Is there some fundamental reason why?

    Basic Failure in Approach

    It has well been observed that people need to know the reason for their existence, what purpose there is to life, so as to have strength to endure in the face of tragedy. But are psychiatrists best able to provide this? Can they help people to answer the basic questions about which they wonder, such as: "Why am I here?" "What is life all about?" "What destiny awaits me?"

    The truth is that, not any human, but only the Creator of humankind, Almighty God, can provide sound, satisfying answers to these questions. And he has done so for our hope and comfort in his Word the Bible. But how do psychiatrists generally feel about God?

    A 1970 survey indicates how. Of the psychiatrists interviewed, 55 percent said that they considered belief in God to be "infantile," and "incongruous with reality."

    What an unreasonable, illogical conclusion! For think: How else can we explain the origin of life if we leave out the existence of a supreme God? Or what about love-from where does this marvelous quality come that is so vital to mental health? Only the Bible's explanation is both reasonable and logical. And its explanation is that a supreme, loving Creator is responsible. (Ps. 36:9; 1 John 4: 8-11) Prominent men of science, who were by no means "infantile," have expressed belief in such a God.

    Science Digest says of one of these: "Most historians of science would declare at once that Isaac Newton was the greatest scientific mind the world has ever seen." And in his masterpiece, Principia, Newton said: "From his true dominion it follows that the true God is a living, intelligent, and powerful Being; and, from his other perfections, that he is supreme, or most perfect. He is eternal and infinite, omnipotent and omniscient."

    The basic failure of worldly psychiatrists is that generally they do not look to this true God for wisdom and guidance in treating the emotionally and mentally disturbed. And undoubtedly one of the consequences of their attitude is that they themselves have the highest suicide rate among all those in the medical specialities! Regarding this, one of their own number says: ‘Until psychiatrists have the lowest rate, all their teachings are subject to suspicion.'-Journal of the American Medical Association.

    Further Effects of Basic Failure

    Failing to recognize the sound instruction of God's Word, psychiatrists seldom apply love in a balanced way. For example, in one case a father who was unable to wean his teen-age son away from drugs sent him to a psychiatrist. With what results? The father wound up $2,000 poorer and the son had not changed in the slightest.

    The father wanted to help his son. However, neither he nor the psychiatrist appreciated the teaching of God's Word, namely, that firm, yet kind, discipline is a vital part of the exercise of love. (Heb. 12:6-9; Prov. 23:13, 14) Finally, listening to sound counsel, the father ordered his son out of the house until he was willing to go to a drug rehabilitation center. Later the son told his father: "You know, when you and Mom threw me out, that's when I knew you really wanted to help me." The son is now cured.

    The general failure of psychiatrists to appreciate God and his teachings on morality has resulted in great harm's being done. As an example, the Long Island Press carried the front page heading: "Sodomy Ring Smashed. Group charged with sexually abusing youths." The article said: "Four men-including an internationally known child psychiatrist . . . were arraigned yesterday on sodomy, sexual abuse and conspiracy charges involving adolescents."

    While this may be an isolated case, the incidents of male psychiatrists having sexual relations with women patients are not. Thus one Christian woman went to a psychiatrist for help because of her frustration in her marital relations with her husband. He told her that she had three choices: Try to get her husband to see a psychiatrist; get a divorce; or have an extramarital affair with a "boyfriend," and he volunteered to serve as her "boyfriend."

    Then there was the psychiatrist who was sued because, as reported in the New York Daily News: "He prescribed sexual relations with himself as therapy and then charged for the ‘treatments.'" Another psychiatrist was sued for $1,250,000 damages in the Supreme Court of the State of New York because he forced his patient to have sex relations with him under the guise of psychiatric treatment. In fact, one psychiatrist wrote a book recommending that psychiatrists be "sexually available to the patient, but not ‘insistent.'" He called the book The Love Treatment.

    Two clinicians who run America's leading sex clinic said that a large proportion of eight hundred patients they treated admitted to having had sex relations with their psychiatrists or counselors. While some of these reports may be mere fantasies, wishful thinking or bragging, one of the doctors observed: "If only 25% of these specific reports are correct, there is still an overwhelming issue confronting professionals in this field."

    Clearly, there is reason to exercise caution as regards worldly psychiatrists. For, while one may receive help, there is also a real possibility that one may be encouraged to pursue a course of conduct contrary to God's righteous principles. But even if that were not so, the failure of psychiatrists generally to know how properly to apply the best medicine for mental ills-the divine quality of love-is likely to render their treatment ineffectual.

    Does this mean that there is nowhere that people can receive reliable psychotherapy in the sense of receiving help to see their problems through and solve them? Happily such help is available, and by means of it many persons have achieved mental health in this mixed-up world."---April 22, 1975 Awake! pp. 15-18

  • AudeSapere

    The problem with those quotations is that they are well over 40 and 50 years old. Witnesses know that their beliefs change every 10-15 years so that is now irrelevant to them.

    The world in general has changed drastically in 20 years so most do not give much creedance to information from before 1980.

    I agree with the others: You are married to a jerk. Just making a comment like that in front of both you and your/his child is callous. The therapist should have caught on to that quickly. Why not bring up your personal feelings about this statement in your next session. [NOTE: suggest you leave the child at home.]

    The societies views on psychiatry have somewhat mellowed but I think they still have some aversion to it.

    In my own congregation, one of our elders was a psychologist. Even so, I was counselled against 'self-help' books and education.

    There is inconsistency, confusion and double-standards on this matter.

    Good luck with the therapy. Painful as it is, it might help you get on to a better life before spending more years going down a fraudulent path. (Better to learn truths now than 22 years from now, isn't it??)

    -Aude Sapere (Meaning: Dare to Know, etc...)

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