LOL, well, not exactly. He's a butcher at an organic grocery store. He was at a party the other night and a group of Vegans told him to F*&k off! on their way out. Just because he's a butcher.
My son attacked by militant Vegans
by beksbks 71 Replies latest jw friends
From the vegans that I've met, I've come up with a one-sided view beserkers.
They're crackers. Completely crackers.
I'm sure there are some normal ones out there, so don't start throwing blood on me, thanks.
My dad was a Vegan, because he thought it was healthy. He could have cared less about what anyone else was doing.
Why do some people get so high and mighty about their personal beliefs?
Now pardon me while I go blast the right-wing theists...
I call that mentality and philosophy "forced Zen".
We call them "eco-nazis" in northern CA.
We should respect all life! I'm going to start campaigning against personal hygeine. Think of all the poor, little microorganisms that suffer and die every time we wash ourselves, brush our teeth, or disinfect a cut!
hehe Daniel-P, this is No Cal.
beks, is it northern California or northern California? Are we talking like Bay Area, fertile crescent, sacramento, or are we talking like Willits, Garberville, Arcata?
LOL at FF.
No vegans down this here way.