Wanted: JW apologist to explain how the GB gets its messeges from Jesus the King
by Mad Dawg 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The Magic 8 Ball has all the answers! Ask this classic fortune telling ball a yes or no question and turn it over for the answer. The Magic 8 Ball will assist you in making all your major decisions. Ask your question, shake the Magic 8 Ball and read one of 20 possible answers. Is the Magic 8 Ball a must have for the office? "Without a Doubt".
Naw, that's old light.
There was a WT, from January 2008 I believe, that strongly suggested that resurrected 20th century "anointed ones" were "involved in the transmission of divine revelations today" or some such.
Poor Jesus. He doesn't have anything to do in the "theocratic arrangement" except act as a sort of galactic switchboard operator, listening for the "in Jesus name" at the end of prayers before patching them thru to Jehovah. Oh, and sit on a throne.
Jesus has had his privileges taken away because of that evil beard. If only he would be more submissive to the "slave class"
I have a Magic 8 Ball and I must say it have a very poor accuracy rate.
I have a Magic 8 Ball and I must say it have a very poor accuracy rate.
I bet it's more accurate than the GB's efforts at predicting the outbreak of Armageddon!
Magic eight ball most likely has a better success rate than the WTS in predicting armageddon.....
Mad Dawg
Sir said:
There was a WT, from January 2008 I believe, that strongly suggested that resurrected 20th century "anointed ones" were "involved in the transmission of divine revelations today" or some such.
Really? I would love a scan of this (hint, hint). It would be fascinating if the WTS is teaching spiritism. I know that there is verse that condemns necromancy. Can't remember off hand where it is.
It's very strange how God gets all these prophecies wrong all the time...
Time and time again, over and over, new light, new light, yet it's still the truth.
I think Jehovah should be fired. He's a terrible leader.
I was surprised once on a visit to Bethel to see an 8-Ball in Merton Campbell's office in the Service Dept.