Thinking about joining a youth group...

by Strider Arekksu 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Strider Arekksu
    Strider Arekksu

    Yeah... As the title states I was thinking of going into a youth group for Bible studying. Since the JW organization kind of stopped that and moved it to like a 30 minute session at the school and other meeting. They said it was for us to study personally or with our families. The problem is, the people who do not have a family to have a Bible study with and who are to young to effectively study on our own, get kind of screwed over.

    Since this has happened, I haven't really been motivated and have felt pretty isolated. I met this girl around my age at work, who invited me to a youth group Bible study. While I'm deffinitely not as hard core about my spirituality as she sounded, I think this would help me get good Bible study habits and be around young people who actually want to be better people by using Jesus as their example.

    Why is it that JWs do not have youth groups? I think it would be an effective tool for the kids to grow strong together, being all the same age and growing and experiencing things together is a good way to develop bonds with people. But at the hall you can see the results of not doing this through like cliques and all that crap, excluding you from getting to hang out with others, while at youth groups there are events where EVERYONE is free to come, no one can get left out cause everyone knows about it. Even though I have been invited to a lot of things with the people in my congregation, I know a lot of people who ahven't and one of my freinds was hurt countless times because of it. She even went to the bathroom and cried once. I just can't take this.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Because the governing geezers usually don't have kids. They have no clue how boring JWism for children.

  • Strider Arekksu
    Strider Arekksu

    I was looking into joining a Bible study group with other college kids my age. So, no one else has any comments on any of this?

  • insearchoftruth

    Think it is a geat idea, there are often a lot of organizations like this at the larger colleges.....combine bible study with service projects and a great place to fellowship.

  • yknot

    I think that would be a swell idea!

    Now which bible translations will you bring?

    The JWs believe in congregational learning only so youth groups and ministries that are broken down by age or gender are avoided.

    Since the end is soooo near (130+YEARS) according to the WTS all should be out in FS FS FS!

    No I am not kidding, I asked that question when I was a teenager and the above is what I was told.

  • insearchoftruth
    The JWs believe in congregational learning only so youth groups and ministries that are broken down by age or gender are avoided.

    What is the concern for this, are they concerned that younger folks would think too much for themselves and not have a shepherd to guide them back to the doctrine of the WTS?

  • yknot

    Okay I found the WTS articles cited somewhat to me years ago.....

    *** w 62 4/1 pp. 203-204 The Family Circle in These Last Days ***


    8 In the democracies of the West, too, deviations have set in over the years, and these are breaking up family circles. In this type of society father comes home after working hours to eat quickly and dress and then to be out with his cronies for an evening of entertainment. Additionally, the husband has his meeting nights at the club, his bowling nights, his hunting expeditions, his brotherhood night at the church, and so on, which keep his calendar of activities full as a segregated individual away from his family. Mother, too, has her card clubs, her ladies’ aid night at the church, her special social friends, all of which keep her busy many nights of the week, going her segregated way. The teen-age children, too, have a full diary of events each week that keep them busy with their Scout groups, their Sunday-school youth meetings, school parties and going out with their neighborhood “gang.” All this disunites the family circle, contrary to Bible principles. No effective progressive family law and order are maintained. No joint family accomplishments are achieved through family enterprises and activities. No common recreation of the family is enjoyed, since each goes his separate way to compound the narrow sex or age views of his group.—Col. 3:18-21.

    *** w69 10/15 p. 632 When You First Go to a Kingdom Hall ***


    Other aspects of the Kingdom Hall also illustrate that it is a place for Biblical instruction. For instance, you will observe that the entire congregation assembles together, with no segregation according to age. There is no room set aside for the children or for a “Sunday school.” Why is that?

    From both the Hebrew Scriptures and the Christian Greek Scriptures it is plain that parents themselves have the primary responsibility to provide personal Scriptural instruction for their children. (Deut. 6:6, 7; Eph. 6:4) The father and mother are not to shirk that God-given assignment by turning their youngsters over to a “Sunday school teacher.” But what about meetings where deep spiritual matters are covered?

    God told Israel that the Law, including its weighty parts, was to be read “in front of all Israel.” Jehovah said: “Congregate the people, the men and the women and the little ones . . . in order that they may listen and in order that they may learn.” (Deut. 31:11, 12) In this way the parents know what their children hear, and so can later assist them to understand the more difficult points. Unity develops when entire families sit together to consider God’s Word. And youngsters learn to be quiet and attentive, as well as to use the Bible in looking up texts cited during the meeting. Yes, the benefits are many.

    Jesus was happy to have young children present when the Word of God was being discussed, and so are Jehovah’s witnesses today. (Matt. 19:13, 14) You will observe this at the Kingdom Hall.


    All I can say as a born-in ..... is Bulls**t!

    Most parents don't 'raise' their kids they expect the KH/WTS to raise them.....

    Ugh memories of YPA V1 are flooding back......

  • insearchoftruth

    Stepson has been misbehaving (going on 16 years old - last episode was viewing porn on the internet) and my wife has never pulled him into the WTS stuff at all, well now due to the wise guidance of her study sister she thinks 'Jehovah's Wisdom (YPA and Watchtowers and Awakes) are going to turn him around......I have tried to explain to her there is an infintesmally small chance that this will help him, and a huge chance it will cause him to act out and drive a wedge between the two of them...but I am sure the sister is telling my wife it is just the devil speaking through her UBM.

  • JustWantTruth

    It is a great Idea. I will soon be joining a focus group with college age people at my new church. We also have this contemporary program called 20/20 specifically for young adults but people of all ages come. We have a worship band (that really rocks) and are able to worship with music and singing and then one of the youth pastors gets into a really indepth study of the scripures and how they apply to the variety of issues that we face as young people specifically, but are applicable for all Christians. Afterwards we sometimes break up into smaller prayer groups and then we may have a meal afterwards to just hang out. I have to say that when I decided to check out another church I was expecting a more watered down message, however I was completely wrong. Spiritually I would have to say that I have gained a lot and have become more accountable to God and the body of Christ, plus it has been a lot of fun going there.

  • Strider Arekksu
    Strider Arekksu

    Yeah, there is like no real way to connect with people at the hall, it just basically forces the people to form cliques cause there are no events where you meet people and enjoy yourself. Everytime I go to like a graduation party or something, it's just dancing and talking, no games, no way to get to know people really. I just sit there and stuff myself to look like I'm busy eating and not actually a loser who no one will really talk to.

    Anyway, I'm bringing the NIV Bible.

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