Watchtower pictures

by Apolodet 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apolodet
  • Apolodet

    Full pictures are above. here I add what is found on them. Wat is it?



  • boyzone

    ......a vivid imagination

  • Heaven

    My guess is as follows.... All of them except the second one (hand with green ring) are demons or parts of demons of some sort. The one with the hand and green ring is similar to a pentagram.

    edited to add: Welcome to the Forum, Apolodet! What brings you to our Forum?

  • Apolodet

    Really? Why are these pictures in the publications?

  • shamus100



    We've discussed this to death, and most sane people have come to the conclusion that what's in those pictures is the result of someone having nothing better to do than stare at those ridiculous pictures for days on end.

    I suggest this site if this phenomenon still interests you:

    Highly recommended. But be forewarned, you need your aluminum hat on BEFORE you click on the link.

  • Heaven

    Good question! I think someone was being a bad boy at one time. I believe they were reprimanded. Funny how 'Quality Assurance' seems to be lacking there in Bethel as they didn't catch these before they were printed and distributed.

    But check out the latest pictures of Christ on the torture stake. The recent one I have is from the November 2008 Watchtower (the one about Hell with the orangey-red cover).

    Riddle me this... how does this picture accurately portray Christ on the stake when the scriptures at John 20:25 and Matthew 27:37 are not represented in this painting?

    I believe the WTS has some serious issues knowing and understanding the Bible as well as their lack of Quality Assurance.

  • Apolodet

    You're saying about quality... Look. One should HAVE grawn these things. WT has talanted professionas to illustrate publications. Just look at these two pictures.

    Revelation, page 52

    Revelation, page 159

  • Yizuman

    Yep I see the demonic hand and I see the eye in the palm.

    I have seen all of the pictures and they are well hidden in the drawings/paintings.

    Apparently whoever did the designs no longer work for them as when the Barefoot book came out and suddenly I see someone else now designing illustrations for the WT. The art looks different now compare to the previous ones.


  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    That's not a demon hand on the staff; it's just Gollum trying to get his Precious Staff back...

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