Calling Young Brothers to Bethel while Kicking Out the Loyal Ones

by Ultimate Reality 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ultimate Reality
    Ultimate Reality

    This week marks the news of two "young" brothers I know being accepted to Brooklyn Bethel.

    This pattern continues to demonstrate the current "human resources" policy of the current GB. While telling those that have spent the best years of their life, "we need you in the field", they continue to bring in the healthy, unsuspecting young brothers so they can be used up with nothing to show for it late in life.

    At last year's D.C. there was an interview with a brother that had been "sent back to the field" some 4 months prior to the convention. What was so sad, is that the brother was clearly alone, and perhaps scared, in his new assignment in a remote rural area with a congregation of 40. He had been accepted to bethel after high school, never pioneered, and had been at bethel for 30 years! Now, nearly 50 years of age, he was in a strange place, with no family, trying to "work the field". When asked the classic question "How has JEHOVAH BLESSED you?!", he started to trip on his words, saying that "it was too early in the assignment to really say, things had been challenging..." But then he pulled it together. With how tightly controlled the interviews are, he must have been off script. It was a rare moment of honesty.

    As I listened to this man, I truly felt sorry for him. Here he had sacrificed his life for the organization. Now, he was all alone.

    And yet, the GB is still calling the young brothers "from the field" to Brooklyn. Woe to the hypocrites.

  • sspo

    Very sad and yet no one would dare to complain against "MOTHER"

    "MOTHER" always knows was good for its children.

    Governing body should be thrown into the street.

  • Dagney

    So where are the new ones working? Construction on refurbs of the old Brooklyn bldgs?

    I just get this sick feeling when I think about the corporation. **sigh** Very sad.

  • penny2
    Now, nearly 50 years of age, he was in a strange place, with no family, trying to "work the field".

    That's so cruel!

    They are no different to any large company, it seems! Actually worse. If you are made redundant from a company, you usually get a payout and get to stay in familiar surroundings. Plus you've been paid all along so have had a chance to set yourself up.

    It's shocking.


  • frankiespeakin

    I feel for these people still blinded by the borganization,,They have been treated like dirt by the powers that be at bethel,,so much for true brotherly love they brag about having,, that sets them apart from the world that they condemn.

    It's just a business and things are getting a little expensive with all those old people to look after,, so just dump them on the friends in the many congregations and let them go with a meager severance pay for thier support while they go look for a job.

    These tax exempt organizations,, can sure keep the cost down,,with the way they treat the volunteer help.

  • frankiespeakin

    Bethel can nolonger be considered a good career move,, I'm sure there are some old timers there that are shaking in their boots about thier future prospects,, I don't think the axe has been put away yet, more lets go's can still come in these desparate times.

  • Gayle

    Bethel will soon just be a revolving door,,,,,"out with the old and in with the new".

  • HappyDad

    We can only hope that some of those who have..... and will be kicked out after spending the best years of their lives........will find their way here on JWN.

    There has to be some very angry ex bethelites who are now trying to eke out a subsistance living.

    Let's just hope their eyes are opened and can see how they have been duped.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    The "Bethel family" isn't a family at all. It's a scam. I wish that I'd never gone, but I'm glad I didn't stay one minute longer than I did.

    You're not eligible for unemployment. Nothing was paid into Social Security. Jehovah isn't there to bless anyone.

  • catbert

    Billy the Ex,

    Your smart. Can't you do anything about this? Fix it. Do something.

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