The way I now see things, I was "dead" for all of time up to the day I was conceived. Then I gradually gained sentient self awareness as my brain developed. I still remember the day when I was a child that I first realized my existence. This self awareness caused me to ask myself, "Why am I 'me'? Of all the people who have ever existed past and present, why is my consciousness in this body at this time?"
I didn't have sufficient knowledge to answer my questions at that young age. I think I do now. I now believe I am not as unique or special as an individual as I once thought. I see myself in other people. Our minds are a biochemical process of our central nervous systems and brains. Our brains and bodies are built on the blueprint of our genetic codes. Our genetic codes are nearly identical copies with less than 1% variation between individual humans. For all intents and purposes, I am 'you,' and you are 'me.'
What does make me "unique" are my experiences and memories. I am hard pressed to think of any significant experience I have had in my life that is solely mine, that is, never experience by any other human past or present. If anything, I have come to see just how commonplace my experiences, thoughts and feelings are among others.
What about memories? They are intangible and so easily lost. I do have a good memory right now. I'm surprised at some of the things I remember from decades ago. Sometimes I am surprised at the things I can no longer remember that happened in just the last year. If I am lucky, I may keep most of my memories until the day I die.
If I die the death I expect to die, I will go from being fully sentient and self aware one moment to completely oblivious and brain dead in a matter of minutes. A lifetime of memories will be wiped out by the deaths of billions of brain cells starved of oxygen. And "I" will cease to exist for all eternity just as "I" didn't exist before my conception and gradual self awareness.
I do not fear this for it is the nature of existence. I am not alone as I prepare to join my ancestors in their eternal sleep.