JW's redefine words. They change lives as a result, with people actually thinking they are in control, when they are not.
Here are some that really have caused me anxiety, arguments, and just complete FRUSTRATION. Even when I was a "believer" some of these bothered me.
Provision (Rule)
Mature (Follows WT Society)
Independent thinking (Thinking)
Faithful and Discreet Slave (A group of men and women in NY who write the WT)
Discipline from Jehovah (Elders deciding if your family and friends can speak to you)
Guidelines (Rules)
Suggest (Should do, or else elders can counsel you)
Apostate (Someone who used to think JW's correct, and now doesn't)
Privileges (Anything the Society wants to call it, including being appointed as an elder or servant, or cleaning toilets.)
Do you have any examples of REPHRASING that you have seen the Society use?