Hey Flipper, good reminders. Something we all need in these "Last Days"! And you know why they're called "the Last Days"... because they last, and last, and last, and last!
Are you getting an ad for scientology.org on this page? It's creeping me out.
Paul said, "let the women keep silent..., for it is not permitted for them to speak, but let them be in subjection, even as the Law says." No he wasn't speaking of any law from Christ Jesus. Paul remained a Pharisee enslaved to the Jewish Law throughout his life. Women were to be treated as property, possessions of their husbands. And Paul liked to circumcise young men, such as Timothy, even when it was established as unnecessary by the Jerusalem "Governing Body". The "Governing Body" of today adopts that same spirit of selecting parts of the Old Jewish Testament that fit into their "us vs. them", "we are the inspired, unerring leaders" view. And they've embraced the pharisees practices of disfellowshipping, setting up their own traditions to "safeguard" the law, etc. Even their idea of a "Governing Body" is based, not on anything Christian in the first century. Nope. It's based on the Jewish Sanhedrin... in Jerusalem. Anything dating to first century christianity is far too unstructured for Watchtower Corporation to control and ca$h in on.
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