Jehovah`s Witness Kids don`t miss Celebrating Birthdays,Christmas..ect..ect..!!......................Thats what Jehovah`s Witness Parents,tell the outside world..My parents did.......The fact is..I did want to have a Birthday Party..I did want to get toys at Christmas..I did want a tree with all the lights..I did want to go to the school Christmas Party..I did want to hunt for Chocolate Eggs at Easter................Tell that to your JW Parents and you`ll get an Ass-Whopp`n..........I told my Aunt I loved Christmas,she always got me something...My Aunt told my mom.....Mom was not happy.......I did`nt support the Jehovah`s Witness Lie....I paid the price..............When you were a Jehovah`s Witness Kid,did you want to Participate in Celebrations? ...OUTLAW
...Jehovah`s Witness Kids don`t miss Celebrating Birthdays,Christmas..ect..ect!!....
by OUTLAW 143 Replies latest jw friends
I'm a born-in who wanted to do it all: Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving (on the right day), Easter, Birthdays, etc etc. There was nothing to filled the void.
Same with me Mrs Jones,cept we don't have thanksgiving here in the UK,maybe we should start, celebrating all you lot being a breakaway nation,called "Thank God I'm not 'mercan day" or something. (only jokin' we Brits loves y'all)
I am not too sad for myself, but I feel terrible that my two sons missed out on so much, and they resent it too.
If I can I will make it up to them in my remaining years.
Josie..I`m sitting here Laughing my Ass off!!....."Thanksgiving (on the right day),"........That is so funny!!......We used to have a "It`s Not a ThanksGiving Turkey Dinner"..Turkey Dinner too!! .........The table conversation went something like this.."This is`nt a Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner..Is`nt it nice JW`s can have a Turkey Dinner anytime they want!".......Ya right!..JW`s have a "Turkey Dinner" during the Holidays just like everyone else..Just not on the right day!!............................LOL!!...OUTLAW
Mickey mouse
Yes, I wanted to but I would lie and say no "to give a good witness".
I distinctly remember being on a doostep in the ministry with my mother when the householder levelled the accusation at my mother that "JW children miss out on things." I must have been 5 or 6 at the time. My mum was holding my hand, she grasped it tighter and said "tell the lady how you feel".
Like I was going to stand there and tell the truth and get a hiding when I got home.
MickeyMouse..I was always supposed to say I did`nt want to Celebrate Holidays,Birthdays ect..ect.....The truth is.....JW Parents can and do,beat whatever answer they want out of thier kids.....................OUTLAW
Scarred for life
Yes, I wanted a birthday party. I wanted Christmas. I wanted to go Trick-or-Treating. I wanted the Easter Bunny to come. I wanted to have a turkey on Thanksgiving. I definitely wanted to go the the school Christmas parties.
I agree with Mrs. JOnes. There was nothing to fill the void.
But I have raised my children with ALL that stuff that I wanted. That has been satisfying to me.
I wanted it all too. Even thought of things at Christmas time that I had'nt had for very long, so that I could pretend like I got it for Christmas to the kids at school. How sad is that.
I actually didn't become a JW until well into my teens so the only thing I did miss was sending my mom a Mother's Day card. I just made an excuse to see her that day. It felt wrong not to give her something. The instant the blinders came off, I sent her the biggest card I could. I even send her one on Valentine's day now and every chance I get.
What kind of religion makes people feel there's something wrong with sending their mom a card ???
Scarred for life
Even thought of things at Christmas time that I had'nt had for very long, so that I could pretend like I got it for Christmas to the kids at school. How sad is that.
I always did exactly the same thing. Probablly as early as 1st grade. I would save new clothing and any other things that I got until after Christmas and say that I had gotten it for Christmas.
My father's family were not JWs. My grandparents on that side did always give me a present in December so I did get one real Christmas present every year that I could tell my school friends about.