The Governing Body's REAL critical date
by Doug Mason 54 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I am unable to read this past Doug Mason's post...thanks!
Everytime I see "scholar?" (called so in name only) on here I feel so sad. Its like reading something by those Nazis as Germany was falling in 1945, but still believed that the "Thousand year Reich" was still an ongoing thing. Or the Japanese soldier in the jungles of the Philipines who years after 1945 still believed that Japan was winning the war. The Russian communist who believed that Stalin was a real nice guy and wouldn't harm any of his people and that communism will rule the world.
Or is "scholar?" like the radical Muslim, indoctrinated to hate anything that contradicted his beliefs. "Scholar?" wraps himself in the suicide bomb of "607BCE" one day it will go off and destroy him and the Watchtower organisation.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Billy thinks scholar is trying to say that the year 607 occurred between the years 587 and 586. You know... invisibly!
Only "celebrated WT scholars" can see such invisible years, invisible returns, and I guess disappearing prophecies. Anywho, the "celebrated JW scholars" were given golden tablets and magic seeing stones, kind of like Joe Smith with the Book of Mormon. That stuff happens a lot with cults... except the "celebrated JW scholars" got the truly truthful tablets!
Here, C.T. Russell is receiving some "miracle wheat" and a plaque that says, "Armageddon is coming in 1914". Woops, on closer inspection, it says, "A really big war is starting in 1914."
B the X
I think (fake) Scholar is an elder at least, perhaps even higher. *goose bumps* who is definitely aware that the sheeples are reading here, and it is his hope to convince the soon to be trampeling herd to go back into the wooden post fences....
I am glad to debate with him. I answer questions, he goes into hiding. Or he could be busy preparing for book study. (wait, they don't do that anymore)
Maybe he is looking to see what the tablets tell him to say next.... I don't care, I am waiting. Patiently. I already know the answer. I just want him to answer the question honestly, instead of BSing everyone with the Watchtower's "superior scholarship." (rolling eyes)
Evidentally, WT scholarship is so brilliant that it takes Satan little effort to blind people from 2+2 math to figure out dates and when stuff happens. That's what happens when you believe what the Watchtower calls "biblical chronology". You are asked to buy a lot of crap that is offered as chocolate soufle.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
"That's what happens when you believe what the Watchtower calls "biblical chronology". You are asked to buy a lot of crap...."
Okay Jeff, but please stop insulting crap by associating it with Watchtower chronology. Crap can make plants grow, and we all feel better after a good dump. So, STOP THE MADNESS!!! Crap is way better than anything the 'celebrated JW scholars' have ever produced! Do you realize that people will pay money to buy crap to fertilize their flower gardens?
It's a really good thing that crap doesn't have feelings. It would be bawling it's eyes out after what you just said!
B the X
LOL @ BtheX
Now excuse me, I have to take a brief repose and fertilize something.....
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Jeff, Take an old Watchtower with you. Just having one around has a laxative effect.
I'm confused...
1703 was the fall of Jerusalem less 607? That would make it 1100 times the times of the gentile times?
Where did you get 1703 Scholar?
I only take old WT's with me when I forget to buy Charmin. But I will give it a try....