Questions for Reniaa and JW's to think about:
1:) Can you explain, using only the Bible, why we should believe that today's Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the sole channel of communication between God and mankind?
2:) Can you explain, using only the Bible, why we should believe that Daniel's prophecy about King Nebuchadnezzar's 7 years of insanity has a secondary meaning, and why we should believe that this secondary meaning is pointing toward Jesus becoming King in 1914?
3:) Can you explain, using only the Bible, why we should believe that there are two separate classes of Christians, one class that will live forever on earth, and the other class that will live forever in heaven?
4:) Can you explain, using only the Bible, why we should believe that Jesus is the same person as Michael the Archangel?
5:) Can you explain, using only the Bible, why we should believe that the number 144,000 in Revelation is a literal number, while all of the other details about the 144,000 are symbolic?
6:) Can you explain, using only the Bible, why we should believe that the Jehovah's Witnesses were chosen as God's only people on earth in 1919? (What were they teaching in 1919 that would have made God choose them over all the other religions?)
7:) Can you explain, using only the Bible, why we should believe that the Book of Revelation was predicting certain JW Assembly Talks given in the early 20th Century?
8:) Can you explain, using only the Bible, why we should believe that the "other sheep" spoken of by Jesus were not simply Gentile believers who would eventually join the Jewish believers?
9:) Can you explain, using only the Bible, why it is acceptable to receive blood fractions?
10:) Can you explain, using only the Bible, why it is wrong to vote in a political election, but it is a good thing to pay taxes?
11:) Can you explain, using only the Bible, why it is wrong to join the Military (in a non-combative position), while Jesus commanded us to carry a soldier's weapons for two miles?