Ok,OK if you say so!!!!!!
Preaching of the Good News with perfomance of powerful works: Matthew 24:14, this is still Future
by sspo 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
the interpretation is from you biblestudent it's your rhetoric between each scripture.
Prophecy is only 100% in hindsight and to this day Jews claim Jesus wasn't the Messiah because he apparently failed prophecy to free them from Romans.
what makes your intepretation the correct one?
we can not be dogmatic in how we interpet how the end times will play out.
the interpretation is from you biblestudent it's your rhetoric between each scripture.
Soooo very true.
Okay Narkissos please tell us what's going on here. And what the cryptic reference to Brownboy on the other thread was all about. I am just a simple poster and I need these things spelled out for me.
Psychotic Parrot
the bible is a load of shit
the interpretation is from you biblestudent it's your rhetoric between each scripture.
Ha! Reniaa made a joke!
What is the Watchtower magazine, if not "an interpretation via rheotric between each scripture"?
It's posts like this that lead me to believe that reniaa is far more clever than she lets on. I think she has 99% of y'all fooled. She's no JW apologist!
I believe that the end times will happen in about 5 billion years, when the sun blows up. It is wholly possible that mankind will develop a tyrannical rulership that will end freedom, particularly if the Washtowel cult successfully gets enough people and money to seize control of all the governments. Let that happen, and we will all be plunged into the Second Dark Ages, and the end of freedom forever will occur.
The Bible lies. The Washtowel Slaveholdery lies, not only about what is going to happen but about the Bible itself. People need to seek their own beliefs, but I am willing to stake my everlasting life and prospects on that the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery is not the truth.
the good news preaching indeed is a future event