Apostate question

by minu 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • minu

    I have been df'd now for almost 4 years. My g'pa is p.o. of his congregation (or whatever it is that they are called now). Today at work, he surprised me with is presence and asked if I have been going to any church services or attending a church regularly because if I had then I would be considered apostate. He urged me to "pray incessantly" and to get back to Jehovah ASAP because he just finished attending school in Patterson where they were told that we are living in the last days of the last days. He also made it a point to say that "this is all he can say on the subject".

    I just nodded and said okay. Finally he left. Today is the first day in a very long time that I have visited this site. I am just curious if anyone know what is going on behind the scenes and why he would make it a point to come here and tell me this.

    I do remember when I was an active JW we were always told that there would be one day when we would not be able to warn the "worldly" people anymore. Do you think they are going to start this?

    I'm just curious and honestly I wish I had the guts to tell him to stop stopping by unannounced at my work with a sad face and looking at me like I am on death row.

    Thanks in advance for any input on this.

    - Minu

  • babygirl75

    I'm not sure what is going on behind the scenes?? My dad is also P.O. of his hall and just got back from Patterson as well. They all had to go up their for some kind of training. But since he has been back, he has not spoken to me?? I'll probably see him this weekend, for the first time in several months, and I'll see if he has anything to say on the subject and let ya know...

  • leavingwt

    Nothing has changed. Same old crap.

  • minu

    Thanks baby girl, I appreciate that.

    I say behind the scenes because that's what I consider him to be . . . one of the ones behind the scenes. . . with all the inside scoop of what's really going on with the JWs. You know, he knows all the stuff that Joe Blow publisher doesn't know.

  • Finally-Free
    we are living in the last days of the last days.

    I've been hearing that since the early 1970's. More than 20 years ago they said we were on the "threshhold of the great tribulation".

    Besides, didn't Jesus say that even he didn't know the day or hour? If we can't know the day, then we can't know the "last days" either. There's no point of reference.


  • minu

    thanks leavingwt. I figured as much but just thought I'd double check. It's so strange that he came to visit by himself without g'ma.

  • snowbird

    For some reason I always confuse Patterson, NY and Paterson, NJ.

    That being said, you mean they are calling elders up to NY just to say that we are in the last, last days?



  • minu

    Hiya Finally, I remember you from when I was a more active lurker on this site. Good point about "last days". I'll have to remember that if I get confronted again.

  • sir82

    POs who go to the Patterson school are "sworn to secrecy" about what they have learned.

    I'm about 99% certain it is absolutely nothing that they haven't heard before, just presented in a "prettier package" and dressed up to sound important.

    Our PO, who went last year, seems to be a bit more depressed since he came back. Of course, his personal life is a shambles, so I don't know how much of that accounts for it.

  • minu

    "Our PO, who went last year, seems to be a bit more depressed since he came back. Of course, his personal life is a shambles, so I don't know how much of that accounts for it."

    Yeah, my g'pa looked a lot older since the last time I saw him and his eyes were very sad, not so obstinate and high and mighty anymore.

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