Amazing, I really must disagree with your views.
The Difference: between Conservatives and Liberals is that Conservative admit when their party needs to be investigated and if found guilty, prosecuted. This was true when Republican Vice President Spiro Agnew was forced to resign and was prosecuted; and then then later President Nixon was forced to resign. Republicans, Conservatives would not tolerate it, and joined Democrats in bringing down the Republican Administration by 1974.
Only when the evidence, i.e. the tapes, was so overwhelming of criminal misconduct that there was no way out. Until then, conservatives absolutely did stand with Nixon while liberals went rabid.
Both sides fight for their man and demonize the opposition. That's politics, and it's univesal.
Liberal Democrats, on the other hand, live in constant denial, and that is why they stood by thier man, Bill Clinton, as he lied in court, allowed national security information to be heard, documented, and spread by an Intern, allowed communist Chinese to illegally donate to his campaign, and then allowed the communists Chinese steal nuclear secrets in return, and spent more time haveing his penis sucked and spreading his semen on Monica than doing the people's business. Instead, Liberals whinned and bled their hearts for their man, making excuses for thier leader, and fought it all tooth and nail.
That's a laughably one-sided view of the matter. Clinton "spent more time" with Monica than being president? That's absurd on the face of it, and the kind of rhetoric that is said to inflame an argument.
Clinton wasn't Nixon. Nixon committed crimes. Clinton lied about his personal life. That's why Nixon was going to be impeached, and Clinton shouldn't have even been mentioned in the same sentence as 'impeachment.' This isn't denial, it's reality. Simple fact is, all politicians do corrupt things. Not all of them break the law. Bush Jr. has shown himself to be a liar, but that's not impeachable. Heck, that's practically a job description for politicians.
The difference between conservatives and liberals? Not much, any more. Both groups are just taking sides, viewing the world through us-versus-them glasses, and that does more harm than good as any glance on Capital Hill shows us.
Issues, not sides, is what should be taken. And to comment on this thread, if it were Clinton involved with Enron, the conservatives would already have a commission investigating. There wasn't much more to Whitewater than this, and they hung on that for years. So there is a double-standard at work.