(((((((((((((((((((((((((((O F C ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
by orangefatcat 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
Welcome back!!!!!
Lucky Calamity
Best wishes, Terry. Hope you will continue to mend and share here.
hey terry....glad you are back with us...
Snakes ()
read good books
Orange Fat Cat is back.
wha happened?
I am so glad for your lease on earthly life. Keep us informed and elated with your posts
Great to see you back and feeling better again....
I just want to again thank all of you for your prayers and kind thoughts. I am sure it all worked as I am on the mend and happy to be posting again.
I sure missed being here. It is like missing your favourite meal of the day. Or missing dessert. I am just so glad to be alive to enjoy another day.
Blessings to all of you.
all my love
Hi again,
Well you asked if the guy with emphesema was a smoker, yes he was. He quit too late. I cannot say too many times about the dangers of smoking. People think they are getting away with it because they feel fine..It comes on years later..one day they wake up and can't breath as well. The Doctors can only help you for so long...yes someone can say that some smoke all their life and don't get anything but...do they really want to risk it?
OFC my daughter has been really sick and they just can't find what is wrong with her. She has been to specialists and had testing for Lyme disease. They said she had it as a test came back positive. But she is wondering now if that is causing her problems. She is a computer wiz and has been looking up her symptoms and is wondering if being on the steroids all these years (30) is affecting her health. She has an appoingment with a endocronologist in Aug so hopefully he can tell her if her body is out of wack..
The last specialist she saw told her not to eat so many foods that she was totally confused...
You really have to be your own Dr these days. Gather what info you can and take it to the Dr...
Hope you keep improving..
Thanks for bumping this snoozy.
OFC sorry to hear of your troubles. Hope you're doing ok in this heat/humidity.
IMO being unable to breathe is the worst...even if you're mentally calm, a little alarm signal is going off in your brain, HELP HELP HELP ATTENTION ATTENTION ATTENTION!!! GET ME SOME 02!!! NOW!!!