JW dicussion Boards come and go.....Most people have good intentions and try to make thier board,the best they can..
Good intentions don`t make a board.....Good intentions don`t make a board ,that has reached Super Star Status,in Dub World!!..
JWD/JWN is a Frigg`n Phenomenon in Dub World!!.....JWD/JWN has Rocked the House for Years!!..
What makes our Board so Durable?......Is it our Characters?..
Is it because We as a Group,have stuck together?...........Is it Simon and the Mods who do such an incredible job,to keep a safe place for us all to come home to?..
Is it the Topics and the Freedom to speak our mind on them?..
Why has JWD/JWN Lasted so Long?
How many People are Happy,I can finally make a Frigg`n Paragraph??!!