Being born and raised a JW I didn't think any other religion or group of people could come close to having to deal
with what we do as far as loosing family,friends, workmates etc. because of beliefs.
When I read on Ex-Mormon and ex-scientologist sites it makes me sad that they too are going thru some horrendous
ordeals all because they see thru the BS and can no longer live like that.
If you check out the link to the ex-Scientologist thread read just the first page and tell me if that doesn't mirror some
of the exact things we're going thru and dealing with all in the name of "truth".
It makes me think of that Rudolph the red nosed reindeer cartoon around christmas time and the island of misfit toys
and how they really wasn't misfits at all but needed to be paired up with the right people.
All of the ex's from different backgrounds have so much in common.
Near the bottom of the page notice how they even talk about trying to fit in with normal, ordinary,average people
and the difficulties and challenges they face.
Makes me wish all the ex's of all faiths,backgrounds could come together to see we not so different after all and to
help each other heal.
Here's the link: