Protesting and Demonstrating at District Convention

by jabberwock 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • quinnsmom

    These demonstrations are a pure waste of time. I took delight in snubbing "apostates" at DC and felt even more righteous for doing so. I loved to walk past them and deliberately didn't make eye contact just to show them "I'm not hearing you!" Ugh! I am so glad those dark days are over!

  • diamondiiz

    Just as people join WT religion so the same way people leave. If one was spiritually seeking something and came in contact with "JW"s and got pulled in so in a similar manner those "JW" who break free of WT grip and look for answers will find the truth about WT$ and will leave. Those who are contend in their state of life, or within their religion will not leave because they are not seeking truth nor do they care.

    Demonstrations may only help those already questioning certain teachings or have doubts about some teaching which the protests may incline the doubter to research more or be encouraged that he/she is not the only one that sees the point the placards may state. The 99% of others will ignore the signs, will feel enpowered for "suffering for the truth" and will be encouraged to believe that they've got the truth.

    I personally wouldn't waste my time on such activity since I've wasted enough of my life going to meetings and reading WTS publication and now getting over this shit I'm still thinking about the lies I've been taught. My view is that if "JW"s don't talk to me I don't talk to them and I feel these were never my true friends and were a waste of my breath talking to. I never wanted those sort of friends and why would I waste my breath on them now? There are many people out there that are genuine and better to help than "JW"s.

  • jamiebowers

    I commented on the video of the guy dressed up in the devil suit that he would've scared me when I was a jw. He wrote something real nasty back to me. I did think the "hell phone" was funny, though.

  • HappyDad


    For someone who just signed on in the past week, you sure have a lot to say. haven't even introduced yourself and told us anything. All you have done is bitch and moan.

    Do you live under a bridge? (I didn't call you a troll)


  • passwordprotected

    You know what would work much better than standing shouting on a concours? Bill posters.

    Last year at the Convention, we stayed - as usual at the Express by Holiday Inn, Perth (hi to anyone reading this who knows us from there. I was the gumpy looking bald one who always wore a t-shirt and jeans to breakfast and never wore a name badge). Right across the road from the front door of the hotel was a very big bill poster (one of the bigger roadside posters) that had a picture of a door, complete with knocker and letterbox. I caught a glimpse of it as we drove into the carpark of the hotel. I immediately thought it was put up there by apostates and it would be something about the JW door knocking ministry.

    However, when we'd parked the car and unloaded the luggage, I had a proper look at it. Yes, it was a picture of a door, but the legend read "Jesus is knocking at the door. He just wants to you to answer". It had a big impact on me as I had spent the month or so previous to this researching the WTS teachings, coupled with reading the New Testament. Gail and I had realise that it was all about Jesus afterall.

    I pointed it out to Gail, who immediately well-up with tears. It was as if the poster had been put there just for us.

    I think similar posters near convention sites, perhaps not just with a Christian theme, would have a greater impact than just standing shouting at them.

    Earlier this year we tracked down who it was that placed the bill poster. It's a Christian out-reach ministry in Perth and they were delighted to hear from me.

  • designs

    Happy Dad,

    'bitch and moan' really, no one even said hi or welcomed me, hmmm.

    Ask, and be friendly.


  • donuthole

    Sometimes I'm tempted to demonstrate with an old school sandwich board reading "Religion is a Snare and a Racket" -- "Serve Christ the King"


    I have seen many protesters, particularly after the closing session on Sundays in locations like San Francisco, Reno, Amarillo, Houston, Los Angeles and Long Beach. I never saw the "screaming" in your face types. I did see people standing respectfully holding signs. The only people doing the screamin were the JWs, either at them or at their kids for looking at the protesters.

    As far as leaving the Watchtower for Christianity? I can understand why people don't understand it. You can find it in !st Corinthians 1:18.

  • designs

    The assumption or claim that Witnesses are not Christians is kind of a sophisticated claim without real merit.

    Anyone who believes in the tenet of Romans 10:9, and Witnesses do, is technically considered a Christian. The disagreements on the Creeds is not the basis for labeling someone not a Christian.


  • passwordprotected

    @ designs; what if you believe that salvation does not come through Christ's sacrifice alone? Does that still mean you're a Christian? What if you don't believe that the Holy Spirit is yours to live in you?

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