drwtsn- they are ghost-fart blasts, duh. where have you been? It was covered on Oprah, end of story.
People STILL believe in Demons and Ghosts on this site...bloody 16th Century rubbish!
by Witness 007 74 Replies latest jw experiences
Do you think humans are the only mammals that THINK $HIT UP when they don't have enough REAL stuff to worry about?
ROFL Kudra!
aaa ha ha leavingwt- you mean like arguing on this thread? tee hee.
yeah... i need to go back to work...
Warlock, I think you're either about to cry, explode, or fall apart, based on how maniacally defensive you are about a skeptic's inability to disprove the supernatural. Well, there's nothing for us to disprove, since none of it is proven in the first place. Get it? Of course you don't.
I'm open minded about most things, but I try hard not to be overly superstitious. I think it's normal to be a little that way, though. There's probably some really mundane explanation for most of the things we find "supernatural".
I have to say I believe in God, though. It's a stubborn thing that I can't seem to rid mysel of.
Warlock, I think you're either about to cry, explode, or fall apart, based on how maniacally defensive you are about a skeptic's inability to disprove the supernatural.
From a bunch of Jehovahs Ex-Witnesses!!!!!!!???????
Check into the asylum, Bethelite.
Actually, go back to Bethel. You'll be safe there.
Maybe someone will make you his "bitch", like you were before you left.
This whole thread is really funny - if you think about it... because most people here used to belong to a religion that taught that a whole lot of things were real - based upon a book called the bible - and because it was written in this 'inspired' (aka magical) book - it was real. End of story.
Lots of people today are still christian - and still believe in the bible - as real - and... well... if you turn this 'magic' and 'ghost' thread around and use the words 'angels' and 'miracles' instead... it's the same conversation.
People will believe what they want to believe - no matter the century.
That's my .02 worth.
Jim TX
good one jimtx......for me....i say it again......i just want a demon/ghost to bitchslap me right across the room!!!!.....please!!!!....now THAT would give me faith..........oompa
Someone mentioned they heard their dead cat MEOWING the next night...OH GOD are you serious!
IMO this is not strange at all. Our brains do this quite easily.
The same brain mechanism is at work, in a much worse way of course, when a schizophrenic hears voices.
Persons in alcohol withdrawal experience similar hallucinations because of the part of the brain involved. Surgeons can stimulate a certain part of the brain during surgery and make you smell oranges. It's quite plausible that the experience of grief temporarily alters the brain chemistry, and when added to the psychological experience of grief, a familiar meow sounds.
The problem though is that's not what most people want to hear. They are disappointed there's an explanation that doesn't involve the afterlife. If they respond to the desire to believe the least plausible explanation, that is what's referred to in the video is "rehearsing your own prejudices".
Maybe someone will make you his "bitch", like you were before you left.
Please tell me you're not making a joke of rape.