I can't post on my "GO BACK RENAII" topic... Anyone have any tips for me? x
Am I back in JW land?
by hotchocolate 15 Replies latest jw friends
Beg? j/k I think (this is my HO) that Reniaa topics are seriously played out. Please just let them die out. We all know who and what he/she/it is and it's not going to get any better than that until he/she/it decides to do something constructive...which doesn't seem to be anytime soon.
Witness 007
Oh my God....what the hell did you say? Rude stuff?
Please tell me the mafia mentality hasn't infiltrated JWD?
Some are just sick and tired.
Personally, I've gone into iggy mode.
heh heh
Discussion boards do have ethics rules ... board owners have the right to enforce those rules ... we agree to those rules when we sign up to post ... so, when a board owner locks a thread, the best clue is the final post, as to why it was locked. In this case, the owner stated very clearly that the thread is inappropriate.
It does not mean we are in JW-land. Renaii, though she defends the JWs, is entitled to her opinion. I find her generally respectful, and she does not need a thread devoted to her in the way that your last thread did. It makes ex-JWs appear intolerant.
Your frustration is understandable ... so win your arguments in the arena of good ideas and well thought-out, well-supported debates, and avoid using the old 'ad hominem' attack on the person.
But, what do I know, I am just the 500 lb gorilla in the room.
I totally disagree about the respectful part but that's my opinion.
Witness 007
Hotchocolate......disfellowshiped a second time....you've been locked out by our long serving Elders....sorry, Moderators. Is'nt it past your damn bedtime......1:40 AM Australian time?
It was closed by one of the admins, Angharad, with the message below. I assume you did not see that message but it's there now. I am getting tired of seeing threads devoted to her and others who are ex-jws who need support not getting much attention. If you want to exchange ideas, why not PM her. And if she doesn't respond to them, then who are you interested in educating. Just my thoughts.
OK Enough with the Renaii threads its getting ridiculous. People bitch about JWs having no tolerance for other peoples beliefs but there is also a lot of that going on here lately when it comes to Renaii.
So you think she is just an attention seeker? Why are you then starting yet another thread dedicated to her???