Voltaire posted something that made me start thinking about Judicial Committees and the rights an accused has when summoned by one.
Basically, here in the US if you are arrested, USUALLY the police officer or arresting agent will read you your Miranda Rights. They will say:
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to be speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense."
Now, being told there is a judicial committee formed is a lot like being arrested. You haven't actually been CONVICTED of anything, you are only a suspect in a crime. You may choose to cooperate fully with police and tell the the answer to any question they want to ask you, or you may choose to say nothing at all.
Now, at certain times, Police have given the Miranda rights to people who are unable to understand them. Say, a mentally retarded person with an IQ of 60. Not only don't they understand the Miranda rights and how important they are, they are doubly fucked because in their demented little brain, Police are the ultimate symbol for Authority, and why wouldn't you cooperate with Officer Friendly?
What this has led to is many people being convicted of crimes, even though they never committed them. Often times, these convictions are reversed because the person had no knowledge of their right to defend themself or even know how to go about doing it.
Now let's compare the situation to JWs and Judicial Committees.
Because of the exhaustive process the WBTS goes through in brainwashing you to beleive that the Elders are God's right hand men, they have the same level of respect in the Borg that Police Officers do in the world.
When hauled in front of a Judicial Committee, you may feel an overwhelming sense that the Elders are there to help you, much as a mentally retarded person would feel that the "police are good."
You may answer questions that you shouldn't, or the answers you give may lead to other questions that will get you convicted. Just like the Police, Smelders CAN & DO twist stories to get the desired outcome--your conviction.
The bottom line is an interrogative process that resembles Alice in Wonderland. The only correct answer is "Off with her head!"
Now don't say you haven't been warned. You have righs when it comes to dealing with the Smelders. Don't let them 'Good Cop/Bad Cop' you.
There is more to be said on the subject, I invite you to do so.
Don't say anything Class