maybe I'm jumping the gun... but I don't see any other way to look at this...
The United Nations is cooperating with the Watchtower's Political Involvement cover-up
by JWMediaFilms 10 Replies latest jw friends
perhaps look at it this way:
JWs were never part of the united nations - they routinely co-operate with "worldly" government. It doesnt mean they are part of it.
Jesus christ now we have "truthers" detracting from REAL criticizm of the WTBTS
Please present a reasonable explanation why the only things purged from their database are things have to do with the Watchtower then. Why can you no longer search for "watchtower" and get many results?
They were never a part of the united nations? Now that is absurd.
The watchtower teaches that the United Nations IS the scarlet colored wild beast in Revelation. How is that not relevant to JW's? Are you kidding?
ok, so i've been told that the file is cached and still searachable on google and at
The video we made (showing how to search for the letter) seems to coinside with their removal of the letter from their search engines. Not like thousands of people didn't realize this before the video... but when you actually have video instructions showing you how to go to and search for "watchtower" and then a matter of weeks later, this ability is gone, you start thinking.
Also it appears that tons of files have "dissapeared". If you do a normal search they don't show up. When you do an advanced search for exact match of "watchtower bible and tract society" you get 3 results, yet when you click on the they are "not found"
Search on their page they archive stuff back to the 1950's, it's not like they are cleaning house or something....
wha happened?
If we're talking conspiracy then we need to include Obves in our discussion. I believe the man pictured with the foil hat is him
JWs were never part of the united nations - they routinely co-operate with "worldly" government. It doesnt mean they are part of it.
But NGOs are required to support the UN Charter which in part states
- to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
What are the Criteria for NGOs to become associated with DPI?The NGO must support and respect the principles of the Charter of the UN and have a clear mission statement that is consistent with those principles;
I read the info on Blondies UN / DPI requirements and I am appalled:
3 of its main criteria( out of several):
Support the goals of the UN
Collaborate (collaborating with the enemy)
Give annual financial statement.. (wonder where they keep those reports??)
I had heard of WTBTS being listed thru the NGO but thought they were out and there wasnt too much that had to be done to get "information" that could be used in the publications... too see the involvment they had to have is mind boggling
mrandi: "
JWs were never part of the united nations - they routinely co-operate with "worldly" government. It doesnt mean they are part of it."
Actually, you are incorrect.
Anyone who is a member of an organization with NGO status is automatically considered an NGO agent/affiliate.
Perhaps you should look at the upline of the NGO branch. If it's not the UN...then, who is it?
'JWs were never part of the united nations - they routinely co-operate with "worldly" government.'
The un isn't a government in the traditional sense. It's an association.
UN is a private organization that happens to deal with govenrments and NGOs.