The Governing Body Bank, the day before yesterday, have announced --sending personal letters to Spanish bethelites-- that they will have to carry out massive layoofs in that country. Total 70..., 40 to special pioneer y 30 regular pioneer. The first step before to sell off Spain Branch. Money, money, money!
Bethelites in Spain
by JHK 12 Replies latest watchtower scandals
How many (Spain) Bethelites were there up till now?
Many, I've seen the figure somewhere else here, and it was many - probably way too many.
Black Sheep
I had heard that they were getting rid of the presses and some bethelites, but not the real estate.
If there is a real estate advertisment, I want to see it.
Thanks for the heads up.
This could get them a lot of bad press in Spain I guess. But then again JW's are taught that Satan uses the media to attack true worshippers.
Actually, they are about 200 bethelites in Spain Branch.
But, very soon, just 130 bethelites.
Witness 007
Shock Headlines Spanish News: "Hundred's of Je-Hobo Witnesses Doorknocking for food!